Seminars & Colloquia
Amit Sheth
University of South Carolina
"Cyber-Social Threats: Is AI ready to counter them?"
Wednesday January 27, 2021 01:00 PM
Location: None, EB2 NCSU Centennial Campus
Google/Zoom Meeting Info (Visitor parking instructions)
In this talk, we will look at some AI research that seeks to counter the above challenges. Specifically, I will take examples from our projects related to online harassment, toxicity, fake news, and extremism. Our research revealed that incorporating context and external knowledge in machine/deep learning algorithms is necessary for complex challenges (fluidity, intent, creativity) associated with language understanding. Often, it is necessary to study a problem with the help of empirical models from social and cognitive sciences. For example, our study of radicalization on social media allows the use of religion, ideology, and violence facets based on a model developed by a political scientist. Our technical approach termed Knowledge-infused Learning (, has helped us develop more explainable, reliable, and have fair outcomes. Nevertheless, it is unclear whether the threats and misuse will remain ahead of the game, or our ability to counter them can take the upper hand.
#SocialGood #SocialHarm #ArtificialIntelligence #Knowledge-infusedLearning #CyberSocialThreat
Special Instructions: This will be an online seminar. It will be recorded but we won't need the equipment in 3211. Photos:
Host: Munindar Singh, CSC