Seminars & Colloquia
Shiyan Jiang
College of Education, NCSU
"StoryQ: Co-designing a web-based text-mining and narrative modeling platform with teachers"
Tuesday October 20, 2020 11:00 AM
Location: zoom, n/a NCSU Centennial Campus
Google/Zoom Meeting Info (Visitor parking instructions)
Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the workforce and society at large. Yet AI learning opportunities remain abstract and inaccessible for the youth. In this talk, I will present a co-design study with high school teachers that would eventually lead to the creation of StoryQ, a web-based text mining and narrative modeling platform. Specifically, we walked in-service teachers through our developed prototypes and learning activities and then interviewed them with a focus on their perceived usefulness of the technology and feedback for integrating the learning activities into their teaching. I will present our qualitative analysis of interview data with findings that could be insightful for integrating AI learning activities into high school classrooms.
Short Bio: Shiyan Jiang, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Learning Design and Technology at NCSU's College of Education. Dr. Jiang has expertise in designing and studying technology-enhanced learning environments to facilitate the development of STEM identities and engage adolescents in career exploration. Furthermore, her work focuses on exploring instructional and technology design for broadening participation in STEM subjects and careers.
Host: Noboru Matsuda, CSC