Seminars & Colloquia

Guru Parulkar


"The NSF NeTS program and the GENI initiative"

Friday September 23, 2005 11:00 AM
Location: 246, MRC NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)

This talk is part of the System Research Seminar series


Abstract: This talk gives an overview of two NSF programs, NeTS and GENI.

The Networking Technology and Systems (NeTS) program envisions a future in which communication networks are available anywhere and any time, are accessible from a variety of devices, require minimal management overhead, can survive faults and attacks, and can be entrusted with all types of communication traffic. To realize this vision, the NeTS program seeks to develop and sustain science and technology advances needed to: create next-generation networks; increase our fundamental understanding of large, complex, heterogeneous networks; and, continue the evolution of existing networks. One subprogram highlighted will be Networking of Sensor Systems (NOSS), which seek to create architectures, tools, algorithms and systems that make it easy to assemble and configure networks of sensor systems.

Global Environment for Networking Investigations (GENI) will explore new networking capabilities that will advance science and stimulate innovation and economic growth. This includes: Build in security and robustness; Enable the vision of pervasive computing and bridge the gap between the physical and virtual worlds by including mobile, wireless and sensor networks; Enable control and management of other critical infrastructures; Include ease of operation and usability; and Enable new classes of societal-level services and applications.

Short Bio: Guru Parulkar has been in the field of networking for close to 20 years and has worked in academia, startups, a large company, and a top tier venture capital firm. He recently joined National Science Foundation (NSF) as a member of its new Computer and Network Systems Division.

Host: Frank Mueller, Computer Science

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