Seminars & Colloquia
Thomas Henderson
School of Computing, University of Utah
"Smart Sensor Networks"
Friday August 26, 2005 04:00 PM
Location: 402A, Withers NCSU Historical Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
* model development: e.g., physical phenomena models, sensor models, communication models, computation models, energy utilization models, and high-level network models.
* distributed algorithm design: e.g., leadership, coordinate frames, gradient calculation, shortest path, signal processing, target tracking, etc.
* implementation issues: e.g., sensor node devices, programming environment, application scenarios, etc.
Our work in these areas will be discussed, including envisioned applications such as fire fighting, search and rescue, and the development of a smart sensor networks to monitor snow conditions and help determine avalanche probability in back country ski areas in the Wasatch mountains in Utah.
Host: Mladen Vouk, Computer Science