Seminars & Colloquia
Computer Science, University of Pittsburgh
"Continuous Compilation for Aggressive and Adaptive Code Transformation"
Wednesday May 04, 2005 11:00 AM
Location: 246, EGRC NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the
System Research Seminar series
Abstract: Over the past several decades, the compiler research community has
developed a number of sophisticated and powerful algorithms for a variety
of code improvements. Although there are still promising directions for
particular aspects of code optimization, research on optimizations is
nearing the point of diminishing returns and other approaches are needed
to achieve further performance improvements. Our research aims to address
this challenge by investigating and developing an innovative framework and
system for continuously and adaptively applying code improvements. Our
system, the Continuous Compiler (CoCo), determines "optimization plans" at compile-time that describe the best way in which to
apply both static and dynamic code transformations. The plans consider
program and machine context, interaction among optimizations, and performance
profit. Through such planning, CoCo can tailor and adapt its decisions to
more synergistically apply a whole suite of code transformations.
This talk will describe the Continuous Compilation approach and present
initial results. These results include novel analytic models that can
accurately predict the performance benefit (profit) of applying an
optimization without actually doing it or running the resulting program code.
Using the analytic models, we have developed several planners that can guide
a static optimizer. Initial results are very encouraging and show that
optimizations can be effectively directed by planning. The talk will conclude
with a brief discussion of CoCo's run-time system, including its dynamic code
translator, instrumentation optimizer, and source-level debugger for
dynamically translated code.
Short Bio: Bruce Childers is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer
Science at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Childers received a BS degree
(Computer Science, 1991) from the College of William and Mary, and a PhD
degree (Computer Science, 2000) from the University of Virginia. His
research interests are compilers and software development tools, computer
architecture, and embedded systems. Current projects include continuous
compilation to synergistically apply both static and dynamic code
optimizations, debugging for dynamically translated code, power-aware
real-time systems, and demand-driven software testing.
Host: Frank Mueller, Computer Science, NCSU
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