Seminars & Colloquia
Onur Mutlu
Electrical and Computer Engineering, CMU
"Rethinking Memory System Design for Data-Intensive Computing"
Monday April 11, 2016 04:00 PM
Location: 3211, EBII NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series
Abstract: The memory system is a fundamental performance and energy bottleneck
in almost all computing systems. Recent system design, application,
and technology trends that require more capacity, bandwidth,
efficiency, and predictability out of the memory system make it an
even more important system bottleneck. At the same time, DRAM and
flash technologies are experiencing difficult technology scaling
challenges that make the maintenance and enhancement of their
capacity, energy-efficiency, and reliability significantly more costly
with conventional techniques.
In this talk, we examine some promising research and design directions
to overcome challenges posed by memory scaling. Specifically, we
discuss three key solution directions: 1) enabling new memory
architectures, functions, interfaces, and better integration of the
memory and the rest of the system, 2) designing a memory system that
intelligently employs multiple memory technologies and coordinates
memory and storage management using non-volatile memory technologies,
3) providing predictable performance and QoS to applications sharing
the memory/storage system. If time permits, we might also briefly touch
upon our ongoing related work in combating scaling challenges of NAND
flash memory.
An accompanying paper can be found here:
Short Bio: Onur Mutlu is the Strecker Early Career Professor at Carnegie Mellon
University. His broader research interests are in computer
architecture, systems and bioinformatics. He is especially interested
in interactions across domains, between applications, system software,
compilers, and microarchitecture, with a major current focus on memory
systems. He obtained his PhD and MS in ECE from the University of
Texas at Austin and BS degrees in Computer Engineering and Psychology
from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Prior to Carnegie Mellon,
he worked at Microsoft Research, Intel Corporation, and Advanced Micro
Devices. He received the IEEE Computer Society Young Computer
Architect Award, Intel Early Career Faculty Award, faculty partnership
awards from various companies, and a healthy number of best paper or
"Top Pick" paper recognitions at various computer systems and
architecture venues. His computer architecture course lectures and
materials are freely available on YouTube. For more information,
please see his webpage at
Host: Xipeng Shen, CSC