Seminars & Colloquia
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
"FATES: Automatically-tuned Database Storage Management"
Friday September 17, 2004 11:00 AM
Location: 313, EGRC NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the
Taming the Data Seminar series
Abstract: Database system performance heavily depends on data access efficiency on
all levels of the memory hierarchy. CPU cache performance depends on
in-memory data layout, whereas I/O performance depends on data placement
on the disks. Throughout the memory hierarchy, however, the workload
behavior is a function of the access patterns the application dictates.
On-line transaction processing applications, for instance, tend to access
full data records in a random fashion, whereas decision-support systems
typically scan large tables sequentially, reading small fractions of the
records. Unfortunately, current database storage systems are static and
fragile. Low-level system parameters are fully configured by human
administrators, whereas there is typically a single data organization used
at all levels of the memory hierarchy, and data organization is
specialized to a single workload. This results in frequent errors,
suboptimal performance, and inability to take advantage of the storage
technology at its full potential.
This talk describes Fates, a dynamic, robust, and automated system for
database storage management. Borrowing from the Greek mythology, Fates
includes three components that establish proper abstractions in the
database storage system: Clotho decouples in-memory data layout from
on-disk storage layout, providing the opportunity to design efficient data
placement at each storage level separately. Lachesis provides
device-specific hints and automatically specializes the system to
extracted device characteristics. Finally, Atropos provides
logical-to-physical volume mapping and arranges storage to offer robust
performance across workloads. The talk will describe the Fates system
design and implementation, and will demonstrate its efficiency through
experimental results with application benchmarks.
Short Bio: Anastassia (Natassa)
received a B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from the Polytechnic
School of the University of Patra, Greece, M.Sc. degrees from the
Technical University of Crete, Greece and from the University of
Rochester, NY, and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the University
of Wisconsin-Madison. In 2001, she joined the Computer Science Department
at Carnegie Mellon University as an Assistant Professor. Her research
interests are in the broad area of database systems and applications, with
emphasis on database system behavior on modern processor hardware and
disks. Her projects at Carnegie Mellon (including Staged Database Systems,
Cache-Resident Data Bases, and the Fates Storage Manager), aim at building
systems to strengthen the interaction between the database software and
the underlying hardware and I/O devices. Her other research interests
include automated database design for scientific databases, storage device
modeling, and internet querying. She has received three best-paper awards
(VLDB 2001, Performance 2002, and ICDE 2004), an NSF CAREER award (2002),
and IBM Faculty Partnership awards in 2001, 2002, and 2003. She is a
member of IEEE and ACM, and has also been a CRA-W mentor.
Host: Rada Chirkova, Computer Science Department, NCSU
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