Seminars & Colloquia
University of Southern California
"Intelligent Assistant for Social Dialogue and Collaboration"
Monday March 25, 2013 09:30 AM
Location: 3211, EBII NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
Abstract: Social software such as online forums, Wikis, and social networking sites, plays an important role in various fields, including science, politics, and education. Our goal is to analyze social activities within online communication and collaboration environments, and develop computational tools that support and promote effective interactions and participation.
In this presentation, we focus on online discussion modeling and intelligent tools for assisting discussion participants. We first analyze how messages and individual discussants contribute to Q&A discussions. We present a model for capturing information seeking or information providing roles of messages, such as question, answer or acknowledgement. We also identify user intent in the discussion as an information seeker or a provider. We show how the role information can be combined with linguistic and temporal features for developing a predictive model of discussant performance. We also demonstrate how such role information can be used for promoting interactions among seekers and potential peer mentors.
In the latter part of the presentation, we show how such analyses can be a powerful tool for social dialogue mediators and participants. In particular, we present a computational workflow framework that enables the efficient and robust integration of diverse datasets for the purpose of assisting discussion mediators, such as instructors who keep track of student online interactions. Workflow results including unresolved issues or help seekers who need more assistance, are used to provide formative feedback to instructors to facilitate just in time mediator adaptation to discussants’ needs.
Short Bio: Dr. Jihie Kim is the principal investigator of the Pedagogical Technologies (PedTek) group at the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California. She is also a Research Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at USC. She received her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science and Statistics from Seoul National University, and a PhD degree in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. Her current interests include pedagogical discourse analysis, human-computer interaction, and large-scale analysis of collaborative online activities. At USC, she initiated research on on-line discussion board and assessment of threaded discussions, leading to synergistic work among knowledge base experts, educational psychologists, NLP researchers, and educators. She is the principal investigator of six current and past NSF (National Science Foundation) projects where she develops novel measures for assessing collaborative discussions.
Her team develops and evaluates interactive tools to assist online dialogue in the context of a discussion board. She developed a novel workflow portal that supports efficient assessment of online discussion activities. In order to develop a research community for improving collaborative learning and communication in education, she formed a workshop on Intelligent Support for Learning in Groups last year and the second workshop will be at the AI in Education Conference this summer. She is currently editing an IJAIED journal special issue on the topic. Dr. Kim is the general chair of the IUI (Intelligent User Interfaces) conference 2013 and the poster co-chair of the AI in Education conference 2013. She was the publicity chair for the AI in Education conference in 2007. She served as the workshop and tutorial chair of the IUI 2005 conference and as the publicity chair of the IUI Conference in 2003 and 2004. She has been the program committee member of AAAI, AIEd, EDM, IUI, WWW, K-CAP, SocialCom, SocialInformatics, CADUI conferences, and refereed papers for various AI and user interfaces journals and conferences.
Host: James Lester, Computer Science, NCSU
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