Seminars & Colloquia
Evgeniy Khenner
Computer Science, Perm State University, Russia
"Computer Science Curriculum Development in Russia"
Friday September 14, 2012 02:00 PM
Location: 3211, EBII NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
I will talk about the existing system of training IT-specialists in Russian universities and about a project (supported by a Fulbright grant extending for the next 6 months) to study the undergraduate curriculum of the Computer Science department at NC State University. The aim of the research is to develop an IT-specialist training program for Russian universities based on my experience at US universities.
Based on previous research, the most effective system for improvement of the IT-specialist training program is a system integrating a number IT-specialist training programs existing in Russia. The structure of assumed program includes the Bachelor’s level followed by a multiple-choice Master's program (based on more specific professional concentrations of IT specialists). Such a system is similar to that existing in US universities but not to the traditions of the Russian higher educational system. The project is devoted to the detailed development of a system along the lines described above, adapted to the Russian system.
Evgeniy Khenner graduated from Perm State University, Russia, in 1968. He received the Ph.D. degree (1st scientific degree in Russia) in Theoretical Physics in 1976 from Kazan State University, Russia, and the Dr. of Science degree (2nd scientific degree in Russia) from Kazan Physics-Technical Institute in 1990. He has been professor of Computer Science at the Perm State National Research University, Russia, since 1991. Now he is the head of the IT Department there.
Dr. Khenner is the author and co-author of more than 100 publications on problems of education including 4 monographs, 20 textbooks and study guides for schools and universities. He managed more 30 research projects devoted to different problems related to the usage of informational technologies in education, the study of Computer Science and the training of specialists in Computer Science.
Host: Matthias Stallmann, Computer Science, NCSU