Seminars & Colloquia
G. W. (Pete) Stewart
Computer Science, Institute for Advanced Computer
"MATRAN: A Fortran 95 Wrapper for Matrix Operations"
Monday February 07, 2005 04:00 PM
Location: 107H, Parks Shop NCSU Historical Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series
Abstract: Matran is a collection of derived types and generic subprograms in Fortran~95 that implements matrix operations and computes matrix functions and decompositions. Although Matran is not based on a formally defined matrix language, the results of using Matran are akin to coding in a subset of a matrix oriented programming languages like MATLAB, OCTAVE, etc., but with the potential computational advantages of a compiled language. By using routines from LAPACK and the BLAS, Matran allows the user to obtain the benefits of these packages with minimal fuss and bother. This talk we describe the structure and capabilities of Matran, along with some comments on matrices, binary operations, and object oriented programming.
Short Bio: See speaker's home page for more information.
Host: Robert Funderlic, Computer Science Department, NCSU