Seminars & Colloquia
Gunnar Liestol
Media and Communication Department, University of Oslo
"Stories, Games, & Multidisciplinarity"
Wednesday April 16, 2008 01:30 PM
Location: Burns Auditorium, Kamphoefner Hall NCSU Historical Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the Future of Games Series
Abstract: This presentation about multidisciplinarity in game studies will propose how concepts from literary theory (Genette and Greimas) can be applied to the analysis of computer gaming. It will also discuss in a more general way some strategies for handling multidisciplinarity in research on digital textuality, including game studies and digital design. Examples will be drawn from Professor Liestol's current work in relation on positioning and mobility.
Short Bio: Gunnar Liestol is professor at the Department of Media & Communication, University of Oslo. He has a Magister degree in General and Comparative Literature and a Dr. Philos. degree in Media studies with a thesis on Rhetorics of Hypermedia Design. He has designed mulitmedia systems in collaboration with Norwegian and International Publishing houses, and published articles and books on the theory and practice of digital media design. He is currently directing a research project on mobility, positioning and digital genre design.
Special Instructions: For more information about the Future of Games speaker series, see
Host: R. Michael Young, Computer Science/Digital Games Research Center