Seminars & Colloquia
Andrew Raij
University of Florida
"IPSViz: After Action Review for Human-Virtual Human Experiences"
Thursday March 20, 2008 10:15 AM
Location: 3211, EB2 NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
The interpersonal scenario visualizer (IPSViz), a visualization system that supports after-action review of H-VH experiences, is presented. IPSViz supports after-action review by generating visualizations that highlight communication between a human and a virtual human. IPSViz builds upon my previous work on a training system that allows medical students to practice patient interviews by interacting with virtual human patients. Immediately after interviewing a virtual human patient, medical students use IPSViz to review their interview and gain insight into their interpersonal communication skills. The results of a user study (N=27) indicate that after-action review with IPSViz: 1) changes end-user perceptions of their interactions with virtual humans and 2) has the potential to improve end-user interactions with real humans.
Host: R. Michael Young, Computer Science, NCSU