Seminars & Colloquia
Computer Science and Engineering, University of California San Diego
"Systematic Systems of Systems Integration with Rich Services"
Wednesday February 27, 2008 10:00 AM
Location: 3211, EB2 NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
Abstract: Complex, software-intensive systems have a profound impact on our daily lives and society at large. Innovations in modern cars and airplanes are, to a large extent, driven by software. The cyberinfrastructure for science and electronic business has literally become indispensable. New systems emerge from the integration of existing and emerging systems into systems of systems. To manage complexity, modern integration approaches increasingly rely on service-oriented modeling and implementation techniques. Web services and related technologies predominantly address implementation concerns of service-oriented development. How to systematically engineer service-oriented integration architectures is still an area of active research.
In this presentation, I will establish the connection between (a) a precisely defined notion of service, (b) an architectural blueprint for service composition, and (c) a development process for service- oriented integration architectures. Services and components are formally introduced as partial and total behavior specifications, respectively. The architectural blueprint, called Rich Services, defines a framework for enriching partial services with infrastructure services, such as authentication, authorization, and failure management -- at the level of both logical and deployment/ implementation architectures. The development process defines systematic development steps from requirements elicitation to architecture definition and implementation. This presentation thus bridges the gap between a precise service notion and its practical application in the development of large software systems.
Short Bio: Dr. Ingolf H. Krueger is an Assistant Professor in Residence in the Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) Department of UCSD's Jacobs School of Engineering, where he directs the "Service-Oriented Software and Systems Engineering Laboratory". He also directs the "Software & Systems Architecture & Integration" functional area within the California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology (Calit2). Dr. Krueger is a member of the UCSD Divisional Council of Calit2. Dr. Krueger's major research interests are service-oriented software & systems engineering for distributed, reactive systems, software architectures, description techniques, verification&validation, and development processes. The application domains to which he applies his research results span the entire range from networked embedded systems to Internet-wide business information architectures. Dr. Krueger holds a doctoral degree from Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany, and an M.A. from the University of Texas at Austin, where he studied on a Fulbright scholarship. Dr. Krueger has organized and co-organized several international workshops on service-orientation and other software-engineering topics, including the Automotive Software Workshop San Diego 2004 & 2006; he serves as program co-chair for ICSOC 2008 and as co-chair of the Automotive Systems Experience track for ICSE 2008.
Host: Laurie Williams, Computer Science, NCSU
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