Seminars & Colloquia
Aaron Striegel
CSE, Notre Dame
"ScaleBox: Scalable Centralization of Content Distribution via Application-Agnostic Bandwidth Conservation"
Monday September 10, 2007 01:30 PM
Location: 3300, EB2 NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the System Research Seminar series
In this talk, I will discuss our work that shows that centralization and scalability can indeed play nice together without application-specific proxying. ScaleBox operates transparent to the client and network core offering scalable, centralized content distribution in the current Internet. To provide its performance, ScaleBox blends the novel contributions of stealth multicast, enhanced packet caching, TCP acceleration, and tail synchronization in an application-agnostic manner. The talk will give a detailed overview of ScaleBox and its components through both theoretical and general discussions. In particular, I will focus on the stealth multicast and TCP acceleration components and discuss our current implementation efforts regarding ScaleBox in both UNIX and the Intel IXP network processor.
Keywords: Multicast, Quality of Service, TCP, Multimedia, Caching
Special Instructions: To access slides of this talk (a .ppt file), click here.
Host: V. Freeh, Computer Science, NCSU