Seminars & Colloquia
Stephen Mitroff
Center for Cognitive Neuroscience and Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Duke University
"The malleability of visual cognition: Effects of videogame expertise "
Tuesday September 25, 2007 10:00 AM
Location: 3211, EB2 NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the Future of Games Series
Abstract: An important aspect of visual perception that has gone relatively understudied is how, and under what conditions, a perceiver can influence his or her own visual system. How can specific training regimens and prior experiences influence how and what one sees? In this talk, I will discuss my lab's recent and current research exploring the effects of video game experiences on visual perception. I will present our experiments which demonstrate in what ways action video game players differ from non-video game players, and what the differences may mean for basic visual processing as well as for society more broadly.
Short Bio: B.A. in Cognitive Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1998
M.A. in Cognitive Psychology, Harvard University, 2000
Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, Harvard University, 2002
Post-Doc, Dept. of Psychology, Yale University, 2002-2005
Assistant Professor, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience & Dept. of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University, 2005-present.
Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology, Harvard University, 2002
Post-Doc, Dept. of Psychology, Yale University, 2002-2005
Assistant Professor, Center for Cognitive Neuroscience & Dept. of Psychology and Neuroscience, Duke University, 2005-present.
Host: Michael Young, Digital Games Research Center, Computer Science, NCSU