Seminars & Colloquia
Eno Thereska
Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University
"Enabling what-if explorations in distributed systems "
Monday April 02, 2007 09:30 AM
Location: 3211, EB II NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
Abstract: With a large percentage of total system cost going to system
administration tasks, self-management remains a difficult and important goal in systems. As a step towards the self-management vision, I will present a framework we have developed that enables systems to be self-predicting and answer ``what-if'' questions about their behavior with little or no administrator involvement. We have built a Resource Advisor inside two real systems: Microsoft's SQL Server database and the Ursa Minor storage system at Carnegie Mellon University. The Resource Advisor helps with upgrade and data placement decisions and provides what-if interfaces to external administrators (and internal tuning
modules). The Resource Advisor is based on efficient system behavioral models that enable robust predictions in multi-tier systems.
Short Bio: Eno Thereska is a PhD candidate at Carnegie Mellon University working
with Prof. Greg Ganger. Eno has broad research interests in computer
systems. Currently he is investigating ways to make the management of
distributed systems easier. An approach he is currently pursuing puts
sufficient instrumentation and modeling within the system, enabling it
to answer several important what-if questions without outside
intervention. He is interested in applying methods from queuing analysis
(for components build from scratch) and machine learning (for legacy
components) to this problem. As a testbed he is using Ursa Minor, a
cluster-based storage system being deployed at Carnegie Mellon for
researching system management issues. Concrete what-if questions in this
system are about the effect of resource upgrades, service migration and
data distribution. Eno received the Masters of Science (MS) degree in
Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2003 at Carnegie Mellon
University and the Bachelor of Science (BS) degree in Electrical and
Computer Engineering and Computer Science in 2002 also at CMU.
Host: Vincent W. Freeh, Computer Science, NCSU