Seminars & Colloquia
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Purdue University
"Implementing Tomorrow's Programming Languages"
Friday February 09, 2007 11:00 AM
Location: 3211, EB2 NCSU Historical Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the
System Research Seminar series
Abstract: Compilers are the critical translators that convert a human-readable
into the code understood by the machine. While this transformation is
sophisticated today, tomorrow's compilers face a tremendous
challenge. There is
a demand to provide languages that are much higher level than today's C,
Fortran, or Java. On the other hand, tomorrow's machines are more
complex than
today; they involve multiple cores and may span the planet via compute
Grids. How can we expect compilers to provide efficient
implementations? I
will describe a number of related research efforts that try to tackle
problem. Composition builds a way towards higher-level programming
languages. Automatic translation of shared-address-space models to
distributed-memory architectures may lead to higher productivity than
message passing paradigms. Advanced symbolic analysis techniques equips
compilers with capabilities to reason about programs in abstract
terms. Last
but not least, through auto-tuning, compilers make effective
decisions, even
through there may be insufficient information at compile time.
Short Bio: Rudolf Eigenmann is a Professor at the School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Purdue University. He is also the Interim Director of the
Computing Research Institute and Associate Director of the Purdue's
Center. His research interests include optimizing compilers, programming
methodologies and tools, performance evaluation for high-performance
and Internet sharing technology. He has published his work in over
100 papers
in international conferences, journals, and workshops. Dr. Eigenmann
his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering/Computer Science in 1988 from ETH
Switzerland. From 1988 to 1995 he worked as a research scientist at
the Center
for Supercomputing Research and Development, University of Illinois
at Urbana
Champaign, where he also served as the leader of the Center's Cedar
compiler group.
He is the recipient of a 1997 NSF CAREER award and
serves on
the editorial boards of the International Journal of Parallel
Programming, the
IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems Journal, and the
Computing in Science and Engineering Magazine. He has served as the
chairman of
Computer Engineering at Purdue's School of ECE and as the chairman of
High-Performance Group of the Standard Performance Evaluation
(SPEC). He has also been the general chair and program chair of such
conferences as the ACM Symposium on Principles and Practice of Parallel
Programming, the International Conference on Parallel Processing, the
on Languages and Compilers for High-Performance Computing, and the
Workshop on
High-Level Interfaces for Parallel Systems. He is a member of the
and ASEE.
Host: Frank Mueller, Computer Science
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