Seminars & Colloquia
Jennifer Widom
Computer Science, Stanford U.
"Trio: A System for Data, Uncertainty, and Lineage"
Monday March 26, 2007 04:00 PM
Location: 331, Daniels -- NOTE THE CHANGE ==>> NCSU Historical Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the Triangle Computer Science Distinguished Lecturer Series
Abstract: Trio is a new type of database system that manages uncertainty
and lineage of data as first-class concepts, along with the data
itself. Uncertainty and lineage arise in a variety of data-intensive
applications, including scientific and sensor data management, data
cleaning and integration, and information extraction systems. This
talk will survey our ongoing work in the Trio project: the new
extended-relational "ULDB" model upon which the Trio system is
based, Trio's SQL-based query language (TriQL) including formal and
operational semantics, and a selection of new theoretical challenges
and results. We will explain and demonstrate Trio's initial prototype
implementation, and describe our planned research directions.
Trio web site:
Short Bio: Jennifer Widom is a Professor in the Computer Science and Electrical
Engineering Departments at Stanford University. She received her
Bachelors degree from the Indiana University School of Music in
1982 and her Computer Science Ph.D. from Cornell University in
1987. She was a Research Staff Member at the IBM Almaden Research
Center before joining the Stanford faculty in 1993. Her research
interests span many aspects of nontraditional data management. She is
an ACM Fellow and a member of the National Academy of Engineering,
was a Guggenheim Fellow, and has served on a variety of program
committees, advisory boards, and editorial boards.
Host: Jun Yang, Computer Science, Duke