Seminars & Colloquia
Zachary Ives
CIS, UPenn
"ORCHESTRA: Rapid, Collaborative Sharing of Dynamic Data"
Friday October 06, 2006 11:00 AM
Location: 3211, EBII NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)
This talk is part of the Taming the Data Seminar series
We are building a new type of system, the *collaborative data sharing system* or CDSS. Our implementation, Orchestra, is focused on enabling data sharing where there is heterogeneity among schemas and disagreement in data. In contrast to previous work, we enable a 'publish first, resolve conflicts later' model where individual peers determine how to resolve conflicts according to their own policies. I will discuss the three main pillars of our work -- an extended data model that captures provenance and trust; a decentralized approach to reconciling different participants' database instances based on trust policies and the transactions applied to each database; and our work-in-progress on translating updates from one schema to another.
Joint work with Nicholas Taylor, Grigoris Karvounarakis, Todd Green, Val Tannen.
Host: Rada Chirkova, CSC, NCSU