Seminars & Colloquia

Rajiv Gupta

Computer Science, University of Arizona

"Realizing a Strong Reputation in Research"

Monday March 13, 2006 10:00 AM (talk begins) 9:30 AM (reception begins)
Location: 136, MRC NCSU Centennial Campus
(Visitor parking instructions)


Abstract: In this talk I aim to accomplish two goals. First I would like to communicate an outline for my vision for the department and where I feel the department should be in 5 to 10 years. I will also describe a framework for developing a strategic plan through the active participation of the faculty that will enable us to realize a shared culture in research and a common sense of direction. Second I will describe how my background will enable me to lead the department in the right direction. I will describe my accomplishments in the areas of carrying out high quality research, advising and placement of students, obtaining funding, and developing long term relationships with industry.
Short Bio: Rajiv Gupta is a Professor of Computer Science at The University of Arizona. His areas of research interest include Compiler and Architectural Support for Optimization of Performance, Power, Memory, and Security in Embedded Systems; Program Analysis: Static and Profile-based; and Software Tools for Profiling, Slicing, and Debugging. Rajiv has published over 180 articles in refereed conferences and journals, he holds 8 US patents, and has supervised 12 PhD dissertations. Papers coauthored by him have been selected for: inclusion in 20 Years of PLDI (1979-1999), distinguished paper award in ICSE 2003, most original paper award in ICPP 2003, and outstanding paper award in ICECCS 1996. His research has been funded by NSF, DARPA, Intel, IBM, Microsoft, and HP.

Rajiv received the National Science Foundation's Presidential Young Investigator Award in 1991 and served as an IEEE Distinguished Visitor for the period of 2000-2002. He served as the Program Chair for PLDI'03, HPCA'03, and LCTES'05 conferences and Co-General Chair for CGO'05 conference. Rajiv has served on over 70 program committees including those of the PLDI, POPL, CGO, LCTES, CASES, MICRO, HPCA, ICS, PACT, PEPM, PASTE, and ICCL conferences. He serves as an Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Parallel Computing journal, Journal of Embedded Computing, and Computer Languages: Systems and Structures journal. Rajiv is a member of the ACM and a senior member of IEEE

Special Instructions: Reception preceeds talk at 9:30am, MRC 136.

Host: Christopher G. Healey, Computer Science, NC State University

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