Speaker: Damien Watkins , Project 42 (... for a copy of slides, click here ...)
An Introduction to the Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure (SSCLI)
Abstract: The Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) is an ECMA standard that describes a modern, component based, software architecture. In this regard the CLI is similar in parts to architectures such as COM, CORBA and Java. The Shared Source CLI (SSCLI) is a complete implementation of the CLI in source code that can be compiled and executed on Windows XP and FreeBSD. The Shared Source license is designed to permit the use of the source code in educational environments and it is envisaged that universities may use the SSCLI in their curriculum. This seminar is an introduction to the SSCLI, describing the architecture of the CLI, the structure of the source code tree that forms the SSCLI and demonstrating the use of some of the tools that accompany the distribution.
Short Bio: Damien Watkins is the founder and Managing Director of Project 42 P/L. Prior to commencing Project 42 Damien lectured at the School of Computer Science and Software Engineering and the Department of Software Development at Monash University. Damien lectured both postgraduate and undergraduate subjects, covering the areas of UNIX System Call Programming, Windows Programming with C++, Component Based Software Development and Distributed Object Oriented Technologies. Damien taught the world's first .NET Framework course at Monash University. He has also taught at Uppsala University (Sweden) and KMITNB (Thailand).
Since 1998 Damien has been engaged with Microsoft on the development of the .NET Framework under a university early access program called "Project 7." Component architectures that provide language interoperability have always held a keen interest for Damien. His PhD thesis, titled "Adding Contracts to Interface Definition Languages", dealt with improving the quality of distributed object oriented architectures, such as DCOM and CORBA. Damien has just completed writing a book for Addison Wesley on the .NET Framework .
Host: Franc Brglez, Computer Science