Speaker: Rada Chirkova, Computer Science, Stanford University
Automated Database Restructuring
Abstract: The topic of the talk is automated database restructuring in relational databases. To restructure a database means to design new relations, or views, and to precompute and store, or materialize, the tables for the views; as a result, new relations appear in the database.
The focus of the talk is on the problem of developing view design (database restructuring) algorithms for minimizing the evaluation costs of database query workloads under a storage limit. We will discuss a solution of the problem for an important class of database queries - conjunctive queries, that is, queries defined using equality selections, projections, and joins only. We will address the theoretical questions that need to be answered in designing the algorithm, as well as the algorithm itself and its complexity. We will also outline future work directions in automated database restructuring.
Short Bio: Rada Chirkova is a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science Department at Stanford University. She received her Bachelor degree in Applied Mathematics in 1991 from Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, and her Masters in Computer Science from Stanford University in 2000. She has done research in the intersection of databases and computational logic, with elements of algorithms, graph theory, and computational complexity. Rada Chirkova's expertise is primarily in databases and computational logic. She is interested in both theoretical and practical research problems in these areas.