Tim Menzies (IEEE Fellow, Ph.D., UNSW, 1995) is a full Professor in CS at North Carolina State University where he teaches software engineering, automated software engineering, and foundations of software science. He is the directory of the RAISE lab (real world AI for SE) and the author of over 280 referred publications. In his career, he has been a lead researcher on projects for NSF, NIJ, DoD, NASA, USDA (funding totalling over 13 million dollars) as well as joint research work with private companies. Prof. Menzies is the editor-in-chief of the Automated Software Engineering journal and associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (and other leading SE journals). For more, see his web site or the text of his successful IEEE Fellow nomination.
Awards- IEEE Fellow, 2018
- Author of one of SE's 20-most cited papers (cites/year);
- Distinguished paper award, FSE'21
- Distinguished paper award, ICSE'19
- Most influential paper award, ICSME'19
- 2017 Inaugural MSR Foundational Contribution Award
- Internationally, Google Scholar ranks him:
- first for search-based SE and defect prediction;
- second for effort estimation;
- and third for expert systems and software analytics
- H-index: 67 (Oct'22).
- 108 journal + 137 conference + 86 other
- Total= $13.3 million (total). From many sources, e.g.:
- editor-in-chief: Automated Software Engineering journal
- assoc. ed.: TSE, CACM, IEEE Software
- editorial board: JSS. SQJ
- advisory board: EMSE
- prior: assoc. ed. IST, TOSEM, ASEJ, Big Data Research, IET Software
- co-general chair: ICMSE'16; RAISE'19, PROMISE'05..'12
- co-PC chair: ASE'12, NEIR'15, SSBSE'17, PROMISE'20
- artifacts co-chair:ASE'21, ICSE'20, ASE'20, FSE'18, FSE'16
- program committees: ICSE'23, SANER'23, ICSE'22, IJCAI'22, AAAI'22, ICML'22, MSR'22, ESEM'22, IJCAI'21. AAAI'21, ICSE'21, MSR'21, ASE'20, ICSE'20, ESEM'20, FSE'19, ASE'19, MSR'19, SSBSE, PROMISE,...
- Roving member, IEEE Technical Council on SE. 2022, 2021
- NASA software research chair: 2002-2004
- NSF panelist: 13 times (2003-2020)
Research Areas
- Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
- Data Sciences and Analytics
- Health Care Information Technology
- Information and Knowledge Management
- Software Engineering and Programming Languages
CSC Spring Courses
- CSC 510-001 LEC Software Engineerg MW 11:45am-1:00pm Room: 1011 Engineering Building I
- Mining Software Repositories Foundational Contribution Award - 2017
- Carol Miller Graduate Lecturer Award - 2016
- IBM Faculty Award - 2016, 2017
- LexisNexis Faculty Award - 2015, 2016, 2017
- Laboratory for Analytical Science funding - 2017, 2018
- Software Engineering Institute Research grant - 2016