Ph.D. Purdue University, 1979
Office hours (Spring 2024): Wednesday, 1 to 2 PM.
Research Areas
- Advanced Learning Technologies
- Architecture and Operating Systems
- Scientific and High Performance Computing
- Software Engineering and Programming Languages
B.S., Mathematics, University of Detroit (Mercy), 1972 B.A., Math/Computer Science, Wayne State University, 1972 M.S., Computer Science, Purdue University, 1974 Ph.D., Computer Science, Purdue University, 1979
CSC Spring Courses
- CSC 506-001 LEC Arch Parallel Comp TTh 11:45am-1:00pm Room: 2321 Fitts-Woolard Hall
- CSC 517-001 LEC Object-Oriented Design & Dev F 1:30pm-4:15pm Room: 1230 Engineering Building 2
- CSC 517-301 LEC Object-Oriented Design & Dev Room: TBA
- CSC 517-601 LEC Object-Oriented Design & Dev Room: Distance Education - Online
- Google Research Award - 2014
- Sloan Consortium Effective Practice Award - 2008
- NCSU Gertrude L. Cox Award for Innovative Excellence in Teaching & Learning with Technology, Honorable Mention - 2007
Please see