
Dr. Bowen Xu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University (NCSU). Prior he joining NCSU, he was a post-doctoral researcher in the School of Computing and Information Systems (SCIS) at Singapore Management University (SMU). He received his PhD degree from SCIS at SMU. His research interests lie primarily in the fields of machine learning and software engineering. Particularly, he focuses on securing AI models for SE tasks from both model and data perspectives. He is the general co-chair of an ESEC/FSE workshop SEA4DQ in 2024. And he co-organized an ESEC/FSE workshop MaLTeS in 2022 and served as PC and referee for many high-quality SE conferences and Journals, such as ICSE, FSE, ASE, TSE, TOSEM, EMSE, etc. His works won several research paper awards.

Research Areas

  • Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
  • Software Engineering and Programming Languages

CSC Spring Courses

  • CSC 326-001 LEC Software Engr   MW 3:00pm-4:15pm   Room: 1231 Engineering Building 2

  • CSC 499-001 RSC Indep Research CSC      Room: TBA


Complete list can be found from my Google Scholar page.