
Benjamin Watson is Associate Professor of Computer Science at North Carolina State University. His Visual Experience Lab focuses on the engineering of visual meaning, and spans the intersections between graphics, perception, design, and interaction. His work has been applied in entertainment, security, finance, education, and medicine. Watson co-chaired the Graphics Interface 2001, IEEE Virtual Reality 2004 and ACM Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3D) 2006 conferences, and was co-program chair of I3D 2007. Watson is an ACM and senior IEEE member. He earned his doctorate at Georgia Tech's Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center.

Watson worked in the Computer Science department at North Carolina State University since January, 2006. Previously, I worked at Northwestern University's Computer Science department. Before Northwestern, I worked at the University of Alberta's Department of Computing Science, where I was on the faculty since the summer of 1997.

Falll 2019 office hourse: Thu 315-345p

Research Areas

  • Computer and Video Games
  • Data Sciences and Analytics
  • Graphics, Human Computer Interaction, & User Experience
  • Health Care Information Technology


I earned a BS from UC Irvine and a doctorate at Georgia Tech's interdisciplinary GVU Center. I have studied the German language at Mannheim University and the Goethe Institute in Bonn.

CSC Spring Courses

  • CSC 462-001 LEC Adv Graphics Proj   MW 4:30pm-5:45pm   Room: 4134 Fitts-Woolard Hall

  • CSC 562-001 LEC Game Engine Design   MW 4:30pm-5:45pm   Room: 4134 Fitts-Woolard Hall

  • CSC 562-601 LEC Game Engine Design      Room: Distance Education - Online


  • NVIDIA Professor Partnership Award - 2007
  • National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Award - 2006


Books and edited collections (3, 1 at NCSU):

J. Cohen, G. Turk & B.A. Watson (eds.). (2007). Proceedings of ACM Interactive 3D Graphics and Games. ACM: New York. ISBN:978-1-59593-628-8. (site)

D. Luebke, M. Reddy, J. Cohen, A. Varshney, B.A. Watson, & R.Huebner. (2003). Level of Detail for 3D Graphics. Morgan Kaufman: San Francisco. Second printing Feb 1, 2006. Also published in Japan. ISBN:1-55860-838-9. (gcites) (site)

B.A. Watson & J. Buchanan (eds.). (2001). Proceedings of Graphics Interface. Canadian Information Processing Society: Toronto ON, Canada. ISBN: 0-9688808-0-0. (gcites) (sites 1, 2)

Book chapters (1, 1 at NCSU):

J. Bae & B.A. Watson. (2013). Toward a better understanding and application of the principles of visual communication. In W. Huang (ed.), Handbook of Human Centric Visualization. Springer. ISBN:978-1-4614-7484-5. (doi) (pdf)

Journal publications — full refereed research (18, 6 at NCSU):

J. Bae & B.A. Watson. (2014). Reinforcing visual grouping cues to communicate complex informational structure. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20, 12, 1973-1982. IEEE Information Visualization Conference acceptance rate: 23%. (gcites) (doi)

J. Bae & B.A. Watson. (2011). Developing and evaluating Quilts for the depiction of large layered graphs. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 17, 12, 2268-2275. IEEE Information Visualization Conference acceptance rate: 26%. (gcites) (doi)

J.-D. Fekete, P. Dragicevic, A. Bezerianos, J. Bae & B.A. Watson. (2010). GeneaQuilts: a system for exploring large genealogies. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 16, 6, 1073-1081. IEEE Information Visualization Conference acceptance rate: 26%. (gcites) (doi)

E. Sharlin, B.A. Watson, S. Sutphen, L. Liu, R. Lederer & J. Frazer. (2009). A tangible user interface for assessing cognitive mapping ability. Int. J. Human-Computer Studies, 67, 3, 269-278. Special Issue on 3D User Interfaces. (gcites) (doi)

Y. Itoh, E. Sharlin, Y. Kitamura, F. Kishino, B.A Watson, S. Sutphen & L. Liu. (2006). A user interface for spatial cognitive assessment using ActiveCube. J. Information Processing Soc. Japan, 47, 4, 1316-1326. (In Japanese). (gcites) (doi)

P. Ren, Y. Gao, Z. Li, Y. Chen, & B.A. Watson. (2006). IDGraphs: intrusion detection and analysis using stream compositing. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 26, 2, 28-39. Special issue on Visualization for Cybersecurity. (gcites) (doi)

C. Albrecht-Buehler, B.A. Watson & D.A. Shamma. (2005). Visualizing live text streams using motion and temporal pooling. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 25, 3, 52-59. Special issue on Smart Depiction for Visual Communication. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker & L.F. Hodges. (2004). Supra-threshold control of peripheral LOD. Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH 2004. ACM Trans. Graphics, 23, 3, 750-759. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference acceptance rate: 17.4%. (gcites) (doi)

E. Sharlin, B. A. Watson, Y. Kitamura, F. Kishino & Y. Itoh. (2004). On tangible user interfaces, humans and spatiality. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 8, 338-346. Theme issue Tangible Interfaces in Perspective. (gcites) (doi)

L. Liu, B.A. Watson & M. Miyazaki. (1999). VR for the elderly: quantitative and qualitative differences in performance with a driving simulator. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 2, 6, 567-576. (gcites) (doi)

L. Liu, M. Miyazaki & B.A. Watson. (1999). Norms and validity of the “DriVR” – a virtual reality driving assessment for persons with head injury. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 2, 1 (Feb), 53-67. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker, W.R. Ribarsky V. Spaulding. (1998). The effects of variation in system responsiveness on user performance in virtual environments. Human Factors, Special Section on Virtual Environments, 40, 3 (Sept), 403-414. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker, L.F. Hodges & A. Worden. (1997). Managing level of detail through peripheral degradation: effects on search performance with a head-mounted display. ACM Trans. on Computer-Human Interaction, 4, 4, 323-346. (gcites) (doi)

M. Reddy, B.A. Watson, N. Walker & L.F. Hodges. (1997). Managing level of detail in virtual environments: a perceptual framework. Presence, 6, 6, 658-666. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker, L.F. Hodges & M. Reddy. (1997). An evaluation of level of detail degradation in head-mounted display peripheries. Presence, 6, 6, 630-637. (gcites) (doi)

L.F. Hodges, B.O. Rothbaum, B.A. Watson, G.D. Kessler, & D. Opdyke. (1996). Virtually conquering fear of flying. IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications, 16,6 (November), 42-49. (gcites) (doi)

B.O. Rothbaum, L.F. Hodges, B.A. Watson, G.D. Kessler & D. Opdyke. (1996). Virtual reality exposure therapy in the treatment of fear of flying: a case report. Behavioral Research Therapy, 34, 5/6, 477-481. (gcites) (doi)

L.F. Hodges and B.A. Watson. (1989). A fast scan-conversion algorithm for quadratic functions. Journal of Theoretical Graphics and Computing, 2, 2, 4-13. (gcites)

Journal publications — surveys, short papers, editorials etc (11, 4 at NCSU)

C.A. Vanegas, D. G. Aliaga, P. Wonka, P. Müller, P. Waddell & B. Watson. (2010). Modelling the appearance and behaviour of urban spaces. Computer Graphics Forum, 29, 1, 25-42. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, P. Mueller, P. Wonka, C. Sexton, A. Fuller & O. Veryovka. (2008). Procedural urban modeling in practice. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 28, 3, 18-26. Special issue on Procedural Methods for Urban Modeling. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson & P. Wonka. (2008). Procedural methods for urban modeling. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 28, 3, 16-17. Editor’s introduction, special issue on Procedural Methods for Urban Modeling. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson. (2006). Broadening our collaboration with design. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 26, 5, 18-21. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson & D. Luebke. (2005). The ultimate display: where will all the pixels come from? IEEE Computer, 38, 8, 54-61. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, J. Kim, T. MacInearny, T. Moher, C. Hindo, L. Gomez & S. Fransen. (2005). StoryGrid: technology supporting classroom narrative. IEEE Potentials, 24, 2, 42-46. (gcites) (doi)

G.C. Burdea, M.C. Lin, W. Ribarsky, B.A. Watson. (2005). Guest editorial: special issue on haptics, virtual, and augmented reality. IEEE Trans. Visualization and Computer Graphics, 11, 6, 611-613. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, J. Kim, T. MacInearny, T. Moher, C. Hindo, L. Gomez & S. Fransen. (2004). StorySpace: technology supporting reflection, expression and discourse in classroom narrative. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 24, 2, 13-15. (gcites) (doi)

B.A Watson, D. Luebke, A. Dayal & C. Woolley. (2004). Improving adaptive display with temporally adaptive rendering. Cyberpsychology & Behavior, 7, 6, 667-672. (gcites) (doi)

E. Sharlin, B.A. Watson, S. Sutphen, R. Lederer, P. Figueroa & J. Frazer. (2001). 3D computer interaction using physical objects: exploration of tangible user interfaces. Leonardo Electronic Almanac, 9, 7, 8 pages. (gcites) (pub)

B.A. Watson. A survey of virtual reality in Japan. (1994). Presence, 3, 1, 1-18. (gcites) (doi)

Conference publications — full refereed, at NCSU (18, 4 at NCSU):

Q. Liu, A.C. McLaughlin, B.A. Watson, W. Enck & A. Davis. (2015). Multitasking increases stress and insecure behavior on mobile devices. Proc. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (Los Angeles, September), 59, 1, 1110-1114. (gcites) (doi)

J. Bae, V. Setlur & B.A.Watson. (2015). GraphTiles: supporting imprecise queries on mobile devices. Proc. ACM Mobile HCI (Denmark, August), 63-70. Acceptance rate: 23%. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, D.M. Berube, N. Hristov, C. Strohecker, S. Betz, L. Allen, M. Burczyk, A. Howard, W.A. McGee, M. Gymer, D. Cañas & M. Kirstner. (2013). VIA — Visualizing individual actions to develop a sustainable community culture through cycling. Proc. HCI International: Distributed, Ambient & Pervasive Interactions (Las Vegas, July), 316-3 25. (gcites) (doi)

C. Vanegas, D. Aliaga, P. Mueller, P. Waddell, B.A. Watson & P. Wonka (2009). Modeling the appearance and behavior of urban spaces. Proc. Eurographics, State of the Art Reports (Munich, April), 1-16. (gcites) (doi)

A. Dayal, C. Woolley, B.A. Watson & D. Luebke. (2005). Adaptive frameless rendering. Proc. Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (Konstanz, June), 265-275. Acceptance rate: 33%. (gcites) (doi)

C. Woolley, D. Luebke, B.A. Watson, A. Dayal. (2003). Interruptible rendering. Proc. ACM Interactive 3D Graphics (Monterey, April), 143-151. Acceptance rate: 26.5%. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker, P. Woytiuk, W.R Ribarsky. (2003). Maintaining usability during 3D placement despite delay. Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2003 conference (Los Angeles, March), 133-140. Acceptance rate: 28%. (gcites) (doi)

E. Sharlin, Y. Itoh, B.A. Watson, Y. Kitamura, S. Sutphen & L. Liu. (2002). Cognitive cubes: a tangible user interface for cognitive assessment. Proc. ACM CHI: Computer-Human Interaction (Minneapolis, April), 347-354. Acceptance rate: 15%. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, A. Friedman, A. McGaffey. (2001). Measuring and predicting visual fidelity. Proc. SIGGRAPH 2001 (Los Angeles, August). In Computer Graphics Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, ACM SIGGRAPH, 213-220. Acceptance rate: 22%. (gcites) (doi)

G. Li, B.A. Watson. (2001). Semiautomatic simplification. Proc. ACM Interactive 3D Graphics, (RTP, NC, March), 43-48, 244. Acceptance rate: 37%. (gcites) (doi)

D. Brodsky, B.A. Watson. (2000). Model simplification through refinement. Proc. Graphics Interface (Montreal, May), 221-228. Acceptance rate: 28%. (gcites) (pub)

E. Sharlin, M. Green, B.A. Watson, P. Figueroa. (2000). A wireless, inexpensive optical tracker for the CAVE. Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality (New Brunswick NJ, March), 271-280. Acceptance rate: 33%. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, A. Friedman, A. McGaffey. (2000). Using naming time to evaluate quality predictors for model simplification. Proc. ACM CHI: Computer-Human Interaction (The Hague, April), 113-120. Acceptance rate: 22%. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker, L.F. Hodges. (1997). Managing level of detail through head-tracked peripheral degradation: a model and resulting design principles. Proc. ACM VRST ’97, Virtual Reality Software Technology (Lausanne, September), 59-64. Acceptance rate: 41%. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, V. Spaulding, N. Walker & M.W. Ribarsky. (1997). Evaluation of the effects of frame time variation on VR task performance. Proc. VRAIS '97, IEEE Virtual Reality Annual Symposium (Albuquerque, April), 38-44. (gcites) (doi)

L.F. Hodges, B.O. Rothbaum, B.A. Watson, G.D. Kessler, & D. Opdyke. (1996). A virtual airplane for fear of flying therapy. Proc. VRAIS '96, IEEE Virtual Reality Annual Symposium (San Jose, April), 86-93. Acceptance rate: 35%. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson and L.F. Hodges. (1995). Using texture maps to correct for optical distortion in head-mounted displays. Proc. VRAIS '95, IEEE Virtual Reality Annual Symposium (Research Triangle Park, March), 172-178. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson and L.F. Hodges. (1992). Fast algorithms for rendering cubic curves. Proc. Graphics Interface (Vancouver, May), 19-28. (gcites) (doi)

Workshops and small events — full refereed (11, 4 at NCSU):

M. Cusick, B.A. Watson, O. Veryovka & M. Rappa. Toward a content-driven approach for improving the product review pipeline. Proc. Integrated Analysis of Heterogeneous Data and Ubiquitous Text Analytics, The 3rd IEEE Workshop on Interactive Visual Text Analytics. (Atlanta, October). (gcites) (pub)

C.G. Sexton, B.A. Watson. (2010). Vectorization of gridded urban land use data. Proc. Workshop on Procedural Content Generation in Games (PCGames 2010) (Monterey, June). Article 5, 8 pages. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson. (2007). Higher-order image representations for hyper-resolution image synthesis and capture. Proc. SPIE/IS&T Human Vision and Electronic Imaging (San Jose, January), Vol. 6492, W-1 – W-6. (gcites) (doi)

M. Felsen, B.A. Watson & U. Wilensky. (2006). Urban complexity + emergence: procedural modeling of city activity and form. Proc. Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA) West Conference: Surfacing Urbanisms: Recent Approaches to Metropolitan Design, (Pasadena, October), 261-266. (gcites) (pdf)

P. Ren, Y. Gao, Z. Li, Y. Chen, & B.A. Watson. (2005). IDGraphs: intrusion detection and analysis using Histographs. Proc. IEEE Workshop on Visualization for Computer Security, 39-46. (gcites) (doi)

E. Sharlin, Y. Itoh, B. A. Watson, Y. Kitamura, S. Sutphen, L. Liu & F. Kishino. (2004). Spatial tangible user interfaces for cognitive assessment and training. Proc. Bio-ADIT 2004 (Lausanne, Switzerland), 410-425. Also in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3141, 137-152. Springer, Berlin. (gcites) (doi)

V. Salamon, P. Lu, B.A. Watson, D. Brodsky & D. Gomboc. (2001). A case study of improving memory locality in model simplification: metrics and performance. Proc. High Performance Computing, pp. 137-148 (Hyderabad, December). Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-43009-1. (gcites) (doi)

P. Figueroa, M. Green & B.A. Watson. (2001). A framework for 3D interaction techniques. Proc. CAD/Graphics (Kunming, China, August), 8 pages. International Academic Publishers. (gcites) (pdf)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker & L.F. Hodges. (1995). A user study evaluating level of detail degradation in the periphery of head-mounted displays. Proc. FIVE `95, Framework for Interactive Virtual Environments Conference (London, England, December), 203-212. (gcites) (pdf)

B.A. Watson and L.F. Hodges. (1994). Fast distortion correction for head-mounted displays. Proc. 14th IMACS Conference on Computation and Applied Mathematics, 2 (Atlanta), 989-992.

B.A. Watson and L.F. Hodges. (1989). A fast algorithm for rendering quadratic curves on raster displays. Proc. 27th Annual SE ACM Conference (Atlanta), 160-165. (gcites)

Conference publications — short refereed (13, 5 at NCSU):

A. Marrs, B.A. Watson & C.G. Healey. (2017). Real-time view independent rasterization for multi-view rendering. Proc. Eurographics, (Lyon, April), to appear.

J. Christensen, J. Bae, B.A. Watson & M. Rappa. (2014). Understanding which graph depictions are best for viewers. Proc. Smart Graphics (Taipei, August), 174-177. (gcites) (doi)

A. Davis, A. Shashidharan, Q. Liu, W. Enck, A. Mclaughlin & B.A. Watson. (2014). Insecure behaviors on mobile devices under stress. Proc. Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS), (Raleigh, April). (gcites) (doi)

Q. Liu, J. Bae, B.A. Watson, A. McLaughlin & W. Enck. (2014). Modeling and sensing risky user behavior based on mobile devices. Proc. Symposium and Bootcamp on the Science of Security (HotSoS), (Raleigh, April). (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson. (2012). Improving visual analytic outcomes by developing a science of visual persuasion. Proc. NSF Science of Interaction for Data and Visual Analytics Workshop.

T. Moher, J. Kim, T. MacInearny, C. Hindo, L. Gomez, B.A. Watson, & S. Fransen. (2005). StoryGrid: a tangible interface for student expression. Proc. ACM CHI, Extended Abstracts, 1669-1772. (gcites) (doi).

J.C. Woolley, D. Luebke & B. Watson. (2002). Interruptible rendering. Technical sketch, ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Abstracts and Applications, 205. (San Antonio, July). (doi)

Dayal, B.A. Watson & D. Luebke. (2002). Improving frameless rendering by focusing on change. Technical sketch, ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 Conference Abstracts and Applications, 201. (San Antonio, July). (gcites) (doi)

E. Sharlin, B.A. Watson, L. Liu, S. Sutphen, R. Lederer, P. Figueroa & J. Frazer. (2001). Printing virtual reality interfaces: the Cognitive Map Probe. Proc. Workshop on the Future of VR and AR Interfaces: multi-modal, humanoid, adaptive and intelligent, at IEEE Virtual Reality (July), 40-42. In W. Broll & L. Schafer eds., GMD Report 138, ISSN 1435-2702, ISBN 3-88457-975-4. Published by GMD – German Nat. Rsrch. Ctr. for Info. Tech. (gcites) (pdf)

D. Brodsky & B.A. Watson. (2000). Model simplification for interactive applications. Poster and extended abstract, Proc. IEEE Virtual Reality 2000 conference, 286. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker, W. Ribarsky & V. Spaulding. (1999). Managing temporal detail in virtual environments: relating system responsiveness to feedback. ACM CHI 99 Extended Abstracts, Human Factors in Computing Systems (ACM CHI 99 Conference), 280-281. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, L.F. Hodges, N. Walker. (1997). A model for managing level of detail with head-tracked peripheral degradation. Technical sketch, ACM SIGGRAPH 1997 Conference Visual Proceedings (Los Angeles, August), 183. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker, L.F. Hodges. (1996). Effectiveness of spatial level of detail degradation in the periphery of head-mounted displays. ACM CHI 96 Conference Companion (Vancouver, April), 227- 228. (gcites) (doi)

Conference panels — refereed (2):

A. Rizzo, H. Hoffman, L. Hodges, B.A. Watson, M. Wiederhold, D. Strickland. (2001). Immersed in anxiety or a process to healing? VR meets mental health. Panel discussion, ACM SIGGRAPH conference, (Los Angeles, California, August). (gcites) (pub)

A. Rizzo, L. Hodges, D. Strickland, H. Hoffman & B.A. Watson. (2000). The healing powers of virtual reality. Panel discussion, ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 conference (New Orleans, Louisiana, August). (gcites) (pub)

Conference posters, presentations and demos — refereed (22, 11 at NCSU):

B.A. Watson & T. Ward. Hardtop. (2015). NSF Workshop on Computing in the Arts: Music, Art & Computation. (pub)

J. Bae & B.A. Watson (2013). Visual communication of knowledge structure using gestalt principles. Presentation at the North Carolina Cognition Conference.

A. Fonseca & B.A. Watson. (2011). Global illumination using brute-force rasterization. Presentation at the East Coast Gaming Conference.

J.R. Benson, D. Crist, P. Lafleur & B.A. Watson. (2008). Agent-based visualization of streaming text. IEEE Information Visualization Interactive Demos. (gcites)

J.R. Benson, D. Crist, P. Lafleur & B.A. Watson. (2008). Agent-based visualization of streaming text. IEEE Information Visualization Conference Poster. (gcites)

B.A. Watson, D. Brink, M. Stallmann, R. Devarajan, M. Rakow, T.-M. Rhyne & H. Patel. (2007). Visualizing very large layered graphs with quilts. IEEE Information Visualization Conference Poster. (gcites) (pdf)

B.A. Watson, D. Brink, M. Stallmann, R. Devarajan, M. Rakow, T.-M. Rhyne & H. Patel. (2007). Visualizing very large layered graphs with quilts. IEEE Information Visualization Conference Interactive Demo. (gcites) (pdf)

C. Sexton & B.A. Watson. (2007). Vectorization of gridded urban land use data. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference Poster. (gsites) (doi)

E. Cheslack-Postava, A. Dayal, A. Stephens, D. Luebke & B.A. Watson. (2006). Improved Adaptive Frameless Rendering Using Edge Respecting Filters. IEEE Interactive Ray Tracing Poster Compendium, 13. (gcites) (pdf)

T. Lechner, P. Ren, B.A. Watson, C. Brozefski & Uri Wilensky. (2006). Procedural modeling of urban land use. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference Poster. (gcites) (doi)

P. Ren, B. Gooch & B.A. Watson. (2006). Dimensional compositing for visualizing high-dimensional dataset. ACM SIGGRAPH Conference Poster. (gcites) (doi)

C. Albrecht-Buehler, B.A. Watson, D.A. Shamma. (2004). TextPool: visualizing live text streams. Interactive Poster, IEEE Information Visualization, 1-2. (gcites) (doi)

P. Ren & B.A. Watson. (2004). Histographs: interactive clustering of stacked graphs. Interactive Poster, IEEE Information Visualization, 35-36. (gcites) (doi)

E. Sharlin, B.A. Watson, Y. Kitamura, D. Rorabeck, R. Lederer, S. Sutphen, M. Takimoto & F. Kishino. (2004). The Tangible Pathfinder – design of a wayfinding trainer for the visually impaired. Poster at Graphics Interface 2004 Conference. (gcites) (pub)

L. Liu, E. Sharlin, B.A. Watson & S. Sutphen. (2003). Assessing wayfinding ability using virtual reality. Canadian Assoc. of Occupational Therapists National Conference.

E. Sharlin, B.A. Watson, L. Liu, S. Sutphen, R. Lederer, P. Figueroa & J. Frazer. (2001). Assessmentville – a preview. Poster at Graphics Interface 2001 conference. (gcites) (pdf)

B.A. Watson. (2001). Measuring visual and temporal fidelity. ACM/Eurographics Perceptually Adaptive Graphics Campfire. (pub) (pdf)

D. Brodsky, B.A. Watson. (1999). R-Simp: model simplification in reverse. Graphics Interface 99 conference poster abstracts, 39-40. (gcites) (pdf)

L. Liu, M. Miyazaki & B.A. Watson. (1999). Virtual reality for assessing the driving ability of persons who have suffered head injury. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality 7, 92. (pub)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker, M.W. Ribarsky, V.A. Spaulding & A. Worden. (1996). Finding the target for level of detail management: how does frame rate affect users of virtual environments? Technical sketch, ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Conference. (pub)

R. Kooper, L.F. Hodges, B.A. Watson, G.D. Kessler, D. Bowman, D. Allison. (1996). Virtual environments for the treatment of phobias. A demonstration in the Digital Bayou, ACM SIGGRAPH 1996 Conference. (pub) (doi)

B.A. Watson, N. Walker & L.F. Hodges. (1995). A user study evaluating level of detail degradation in the periphery of head-mounted displays. Technical sketch, ACM SIGGRAPH 1995 Conference. (pdf)

Conference tutorials — refereed (15, 6 at NCSU):

B.A. Watson & V. Setlur. (2015). Emerging research in mobile visualization. Two-hour course, ACM Mobile HCI Conference (Copenhagen), Adjunct Proceedings, 883-887. (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson & V. Setlur. (2013). An introduction to mobile app development. Half-day course, HCII International tutorial (Las Vegas). (pub)

B.A. Watson, V. Setlur & K. Pulli. (2012). An introduction to mobile app development. Half-day course, ACM Mobile HCI conference (San Francisco).

B.A. Watson, V. Setlur & K. Pulli. (2011). Developing visual interfaces for mobile devices. Half-day course, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia conference (Hong Kong). (gcites) (doi)

B.A. Watson, P. Mueller, P. Wonka, & A. Fuller. (2007). Urban design and procedural modeling. Half-day tutorial, ACM SIGGRAPH 2007 conference (San Diego, CA, July). (gcites) (doi: 1, 2)

P. Wonka, B.A. Watson, P. Mueller, E. Hansen & N. Eskuri. (2006). Procedural modeling of urban environments. Half-day tutorial, ACM SIGGRAPH 2006 conference (Boston, MA, July). (gcites) (doi)

J. Ferwerda, H. Rushmeier & B.A. Watson. (2003). Frontiers in perceptually-based image synthesis: modeling, rendering, display, validation. Half day tutorial, ACM SIGGRAPH 2003 conference (San Diego, CA, July). (gcites) (pub)

D. Luebke, J. Cohen, A. Varshney, M. Reddy, B.A. Watson & R. Huebner. (2003). Managing level of detail for 3D games. Course, Game Developer’s Conference (GDC) (San Jose, CA, February). (gcites) (pdf)

J. Ferwerda, H. Rushmeier & B.A. Watson. (2002). Psychometrics 101: how to design, conduct, and analyze perceptual studies of computer graphics visualization techniques. Half day tutorial, IEEE Visualization 2002 conference (Boston, MA, November). (gcites) (pub) (pdf)

J. Ferwerda, H. Rushmeier & B.A. Watson. (2002). Psychometrics 101: how to design, conduct, and analyze perceptual experiments in computer graphics. Half day tutorial, ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 conference (San Antonio, Texas, July). (gcites) (pub) (pdf)

D. Luebke, J. Cohen, A. Varshney, M. Reddy, B.A. Watson & R. Huebner. (2002). Advanced issues in level of detail. Full day tutorial, ACM SIGGRAPH 2002 conference (San Antonio, Texas, July). (gcites) (pub) (pdf)

D. Luebke, J. Cohen, A. Varshney, M. Reddy & B.A. Watson. (2001). Advanced issues in level of detail. Full day tutorial, ACM SIGGRAPH 2001 conference (Los Angeles, California, August). (gcites) (pub) (pdf)

D. Luebke, J. Cohen, A. Varshney, M. Reddy & B.A. Watson. (2000). Advanced issues in level of detail. Full day tutorial, ACM SIGGRAPH 2000 conference (New Orleans, Louisiana, August). (gcites) (pub)

D. Luebke, J. Cohen, M. Reddy & B.A. Watson. (2000). Advanced LOD for dynamic fidelity control. Full day tutorial, IEEE VR 2000 conference (New Brunswick, New Jersey, March). (gcites) (doi)

D. Luebke, M. Reddy & B.A. Watson. (1999). Dynamic LOD: what, why, how and how much. Half day tutorial, IEEE VR 1999 conference (Houston, Texas, March). (doi)

Technical reports (13, 5 at NCSU):

J. Christensen, M. Cusick, A. Villanes, O. Veryovka, B.A. Watson & M. Rappa. (2013). Win, lose or cheat: the analytics of player behaviors in online games. North Carolina State U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report TR-2013-05. (gcites) (pub)

J. Bae, V. Setlur & B.A. Watson. (2013). GraphTiles: visualizing graphs on mobile devices. North Carolina State U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report TR-2013-6. (pub)

B.A. Watson, D. Brink, M. Stallman, R. Devajaran, Rakow, M., T.-M. Rhyne & H. Patel. (2008). Matrix depictions for large layered graphs. North Carolina State U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report TR-2008-17. (gcites) (pub)

B.A. Watson, D. Brink, M. Stallman, R. Devajaran, T.-M. Rhyne & H. Patel. (2008). Visualizing very large layered graphs with quilts. North Carolina State U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report TR-2008-10. (gcites) (pub)

T. Lechner, B.A. Watson, U. Wilensky, S. Tisue, M. Felsen, A. Moddrell, P. Ren & C. Brozefsky. (2007). Procedural modeling of urban land use. North Carolina State U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report TR-2007-33. (gcites) (pub)

P. Ren & B.A. Watson. (2005). Histographs: interactive visualization of complex data with graphs. Northwestern U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report NWU-CS-05-12. (gcites) (pub) (pdf)

A. Dayal, C. Woolley, B.A. Watson & D. Luebke. (2005). Adaptive frameless rendering. Northwestern U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report NWU-CS-05-07. (gcites) (pub)

A. Dayal, C. Woolley, B.A. Watson & D. Luebke. (2004). Temporally adaptive frameless rendering. Northwestern U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report NWU-CS-04-47. (pub) (pdf)

C. Albrecht-Buehler, B.A. Watson, D.A. Shamma. (2004). TextPool: visualizing live text streams. Northwestern U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report NWU-CS-04-44. (pub) (pdf)

T. Lechner, P. Ren, M. Felsen, U. Wilensky, S. Tisue & B.A. Watson. (2004). Procedural modeling of land use in cities. Northwestern U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report NWU-CS-04-38. (gcites) (pub)

E. Sharlin, B.A. Watson, L. Liu, S. Sutphen, J. Frazer, R. Lederer. (2002). A tangible user interface for assessing cognitive mapping ability. Northwestern U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report NWU-CS-02-14. (gcites) (pub)

P. Choudhury, B.A. Watson. (2002). Completely adaptive simplification of massive meshes. Northwestern U., Dept. Computer Science, Technical report NWU-CS-02-09. (gcites) (pub)

D. Luebke, B. Hallen, D. Newfield & B.A. Watson. (2000). Perceptually driven simplification using gaze-directed rendering. U. Virginia, Dept. Computer Science, Technical report CS-2000-04. (gcites) (pub)

Patent disclosures (3, 3 at NCSU):

P. Fitzgerald & B.A. Watson. (2014). EyeSpy: an image recognition casual game. NC State software disclosure 14161.

J. Bae, V. Setlur & B.A. Watson. (2011). System and mechanisms for automatic layout and image compositions from relational databases on a mobile device. Filed at Nokia Research, May.

B.A. Watson. (2008). Graph quilting: a scalable method for depicting layered graphs. NC State software disclosure 09S001 filed Feb 9, 2008.

Other publications and presentations, non-refereed (24, 12 at NCSU):

B.A. Watson, R. Hopper & P. Fitzgerald. (2017). Ben Watson. NexUX People Podcast, to appear.

K. Oduor, J. Christensen & B.A. Watson. (2017). Kenya Oduor. NexUX People Podcast, to appear.

E. Polyak, R. Hopper & B.A. Watson. (2015). Emil Polyak. NexUX People Podcast (December). (pub)

P. Fitzgerald, R. Hopper & B.A. Watson. (2015). Pat Fitzgerald. NexUX People Podcast (November). (pub)

B.A. Watson, D. Berube, N. Hristov, C. Strohecker, S. Betz, L. Allen, M. Burczyk, A. Howard, W.A. McGee, M. Gymer, D. Cañas & M. Kirstner. (2013). Building sustainability culture with mobile sensing and persuasion. EPA/NCSU Joint Research Meeting, April.

B.A. Watson, W. Enck, A. McLaughlin & M. Rappa. (2013). Sensing risky behavior on mobile devices. DoD Science of Security Industry Forum, March.

B.A. Watson, W. Enck, A. McLaughlin & M. Rappa. (2013). Modeling the risk of user behavior on mobile devices. DoD Science of Security Quarterly Meeting, January.

T.S. Arehart, R.E. Gilliam, B.L. Mennecke & B.A. Watson. (2009). Skinning Skimmer: news with aesthetic appeal. Proc. NCSU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium.

M. Schwartz & B.A. Watson. (2008). Meaningful evaluation of adaptive computer graphics rendering techniques. Proc. NCSU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium.

J.R. Benson, D. Crist, P. Lafleur & B.A. Watson. (2008). Agent-based visualization of streaming text. Proc. NCSU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium. (gcites)

M. Crenshaw, L., S. Bens, & B.A. Watson. (2006). Visualization of real-time data from RSS feeds using Processing. Proc. NCSU Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium.

A. Levesque, M. Mohr, & B.A. Watson. (2006). Virtual window shopping. Proc. NCSU Undergraduate Summer Research Symposium.

T. Lechner, B.A. Watson. (2004). Painting digital cities. 2nd Midwestern Graphics Conference (Evanston, IL).

A. Dayal, C. Woolley, B.A. Watson & D. Luebke. (2004). Temporally adaptive frameless rendering. 2nd Midwestern Graphics Conference (Evanston, IL).

C. Albrecht-Buehler, D.A. Shamma & B.A. Watson. (2004). Visualizing live text streams using motion and temporal pooling. 2nd Midwestern Graphics Conference (Evanston, IL).

P. Ren & B.A. Watson. (2004). Histographs: interactive clustering of stacked graphs. 2nd Midwestern Graphics Conference (Evanston, IL).

T. Lechner, B.A. Watson, U. Wilensky & M. Felsen. (2003). Procedural city modeling. 1st Midwestern Graphics Conference (St. Louis, MO). (gcites)

A. Dayal & B.A. Watson. (2003). Adaptive frameless rendering. 1st Midwestern Graphics Conference (St. Louis, MO).

Y. Itoh, E. Sharlin, Y. Kitamura, F. Kishino, B.A. Watson, S. Sutphen, L. Liu. (2002). A user interface for cognitive assessment with ActiveCube. IPSJ SIGNotes Human Interface Abstract No.098 – 009. Information Processing Society of Japan (in Japanese) (gcites) (pdf)

A. Cho, R. Lederer, E. Sharlin, B.A. Watson, L. Liu & S. Sutphen. (2002). Designing virtual worlds – the Cognitive Map Probe. Proc. 13th Western Canadian Computer Graphics Symposium (Silver Star, Canada, March). (gcites)

P. Figueroa, B.A. Watson & M. Green. (2000). A framework for 3D interaction techniques. Proc. 11th Western Canadian Computer Graphics Symposium, (Panorama, Canada, March), 205-212.

S. Sutphen, E. Sharlin, B.A. Watson & John Frazer. (2000). Reviving a tangible interface affording 3D spatial interaction. Proc. 11th Western Canadian Computer Graphics Symposium, (Panorama, Canada, March), 155-166. (gcites) (pdf)

D. Brodsky & B.A. Watson. (2000). Parallelization, small memories and model simplification. Proc. 11th Western Canadian Computer Graphics Symposium, (Panorama, Canada, March), 75-84. (gcites) (pdf)

D. Brodsky & B.A. Watson. (1999). R-Simp: model simplification in reverse, a vector quantization approach. Proceedings 10th Western Canadian Computer Graphics Symposium, (Banff, Canada, March), 83-92. (gcites) (pdf)

Under review (1):

A. Marrs, B.A. Watson & C. Healey. (2017). View warped multi-view soft shadowing for area lights. Under review by J. Computer Graphics Tools.

In preparation (5):

B.A. Watson. (2017). Helping people help people: visualization for communicating health. Targeted to the Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC) (May).

V. Setlur and B.A.Watson. (2017). ShoCons: continuous, visually efficient shortcut display. Being revised for IEEE Computer Graphics & Applications (May).

B.A. Watson & V. Setlur. (2017). Mobile wayfinding. Targeted to IEEE Pervasive Computing, Special Issue on Augmenting Humans (June).

J. Christensen & B.A. Watson. (2017). Structuring human-ML interaction with qualitative coding. Being revised for the IEEE Visualization Workshop on Visual Analytics for Interpretable, User-Driven Deep Learning.

J. Christensen & B.A. Watson. (2017). Experience analytics: developing a scalable measure of user experience. Being revised for the ACM DIS Workshop on Triangulation in UX Studies: Learning from experience.

J. Bae & B.A. Watson. (2017). Bespoke templating: toward automating the creation of effective visual communication. Being revised for Int. J. Human-Computer Studies.

Invited talks (51, 12 at NCSU):

B.A. Watson. (2016). Location experience — where we’ve been, are, and may be. Geospatial Forum, Center for Geospatial Analytics, September. (pub) (pres) (video)

B.A. Watson. (2015). Visualization for persuasion. NCSU Library Liberact Conference / Coffee & Viz Series, Hunt Library, NCSU, September. (pubs: 1, 2)

B.A. Watson. (2014). User experience at NC State. TriUXPA, Hunt Library, NCSU, April.

B.A. Watson (2014). User experience at NC State. Research Review, NCSU Computer Science, April.

B.A. Watson (2014). Visualizing narrative using a model of human behavior.