CSC News
Geek-A-Thon Event Receives Deborah S. Moore Service Award

The Deborah S. Moore Service Awards recognize exemplary service and outstanding volunteerism by students and clubs, and they are presented by the Center for Student Leadership, Ethics and Public Service (CSLEPS).
The Geek-A-Thon® was planned last October as part of the NC State Department of Computer Science’s 40th Year Celebration. It was coordinated by student organizations – the Association for Computing Machinery/Association for Information Technology Professionals (ACM/AITP) and the Women in Computer Science (WiCS), in partnership with event founder, the Kramden Institute, Inc. and Centennial Campus Middle School.
Students making significant contributions to the event included Mackenzie Corcoran, Charles D’Andrea, Jessica Graham, Sarah Heckman, Jennifer Hill, Penny Markijohn, and Michael Schneider.
Because of their efforts and the sponsorship of the NC chapter of the Society for Information Management (NC-SIM), The Pantry / Kangaroo Express, Cisco Systems, and the Raleigh Chapter of Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), over 160 volunteers came together to refurbished over 200 computers, which were distributed to less-advantaged middle school children and their families.
Deborah S. Moore, a NCSU graduate, served as the first volunteer coordinator of the NCSU Student Center. She made many contributions to society including volunteer work, teaching English to retired Spanish-speaking people and working with the handicapped and underprivileged. A Beaufort County native, Mrs. Moore was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie R. Singleton. The memorial was created in the Spring of 1977.
For more information on the Deborah S. Moore Service Awards, visit the CSLEPS site.
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