CSC News
Industry & Academic Officials Meet on Campus to Discuss Privacy Matters

The Privacy Place and its director, Dr. Annie I. Antón, associate professor of computer science at NC State, recently hosted the Carolina Privacy Officials Network (CPON) for a special event on Centennial Campus. The event, also hosted by Intel Corporation, allowed North Carolina privacy officials to hear from several extremely high profile privacy experts including researchers at NC State and other organizations on topics ranging from behavioral profiling to the need for transparency in privacy statements.
According to Judith Beach of Quintiles, who championed the formation of the CPON, it exists as an informal group of North Carolina privacy officials representing a broad spectrum of companies and industries within the state. The group meets on a regular basis to discuss North Carolina, national and international privacy issues of concern within their respective industries. The CPON also works on benchmarking and developing privacy related industry standards and best practices.
Dr. Antón also served as a panelist at the Privacy Law Conference held on January 28th at Duke University. In the session entitled “Consumer Privacy through Notice and Consent”, she and other panelists assessed the effectiveness of notice and consent rules in protecting consumer privacy, and considered the feasibility and desirability of other regulatory techniques for improving consumer privacy. Attendees and panelists included representatives from the European Union, the U.S. Government, industry and academia.
About The Privacy Place
Under the direction of Dr. Annie I. Antón, associate professor of computer science at NC State, The Privacy Place is committed to disseminating information in the form of research results and relevant technical privacy developments in an effort to aid policy makers, software developers and public citizens. The Privacy Place is staffed by an inter-disciplinary team of researchers at North Carolina State University’s Computer Science and Business Management departments, as well as the Georgia Tech College of Computing, the Purdue University Computer Science Department and the University of Lugano Communication Sciences department.
For more information on The Privacy Place, click here.
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