CSC News
List Receives Deborah S. Moore Service Award

The Deborah S. Moore Service Awards recognize exemplary service and outstanding volunteerism by students and clubs, and they are presented by the Center for Student Leadership, Ethics and Public Service (CSLEPS).
List serves and participates in a variety of leadership and service roles such as Students for Life, Catholic Campus Ministries, The College of Engineering Mentoring Program, Avent West Children’s Mentoring, and Habitat for Humanity. He has also been to Louisiana twice in the past year to help with the ongoing Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.
Deborah S. Moore, a NCSU graduate, served as the first volunteer coordinator of the NCSU Student Center. She made many contributions to society including volunteer work, teaching English to retired Spanish-speaking people and working with the handicapped and underprivileged. A Beaufort County native, Mrs. Moore was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charlie R. Singleton. The memorial was created in the Spring of 1977.
For more information on the Deborah S. Moore Service Awards, visit the CSLEPS site.
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