CSC News
Martin Scholarship Endowments Established

Martin joined NC State University in 1960 and was a faculty member in the departments of Chemical Engineering and Computer Science. From 1974 to 1986 he served as head of computer science and played a key role in the department’s rapid growth.
Dr. Nino A. Masnari, dean of the College of Engineering, said of the gift, "This is an investment in tomorrow’s chemical engineers and computer scientists. We are grateful to Mrs. Martin for her generosity and commitment to the College of Engineering. Her gift will serve as a lasting commemoration of the many contributions Don made to the College and to NC State."

The department of computer science would like to extend special thanks to alumnus, Jim Faulkner (BS CSC ’78, MS PSY ‘78), who has donated $2,000, which will allow the initial scholarship in computer science to be awarded in the fall of 2006.
Anyone wishing to contribute to either of these scholarship endowments should send their check (made payable to “NC State Engineering Foundation”) to Ken Tate, Campus Box 8206, Raleigh, NC 27695. Please note the specific “Martin Scholarship” in the memo section. All contributions to these endowment funds are 100% tax-deductible.
Photos provided by Mrs. Doris Martin.
Photos provided by Mrs. Doris Martin.
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