CSC News

January 23, 2025

Tim Menzies Named ACM Fellow

Tim MenziesCongratulations to Tim Menzies, professor of computer science in the NC State Department of Computer Science (CS), on being named a 2024 Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Fellow, one of the most prestigious recognitions in the field of computing. Menzies was honored for his contributions to the foundation and application of AI to software engineering (SE). Menzies is the fifth NC State CS ACM Fellow, joining Drs. Frank Mueller (2018), Laurie Williams (2020), Munidar Singh (2021) and Tao Xie (2021). Xie is now Chair of the Department of Software Science and Engineering at Peking University in China.

Menzies has been with the Department of Computer Science since 2014. In addition to teaching, he currently serves as director of the RAISE lab (real world AI for SE) and curator of the PROMISE repository (storage for SE project data). He was named an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Fellow in 2018 and an Automated Software Engineering Fellow in 2023. Menzies is the editor-in-chief of the Automated Software Engineering journal and associate editor of the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering journal.

Menzies’ research focuses on software engineering, data mining, AI optimization and search-based SE, as well as better methods for open access science. Menzies has been and continues to be a pioneer and early adopter of using innovative AI methods for SE. Over the course of his career, Menzies has authored over 280 referred publications and served as a lead researcher on projects for the NSF, NIJ, DoD, NASA, USDA and more. He received his B.S. in computer science, Master of Cognitive Science and Ph.D. in cognitive science from the University of New South Wales in Australia.

In total, the ACM named 55 Fellows this year for their groundbreaking contributions to computing science and technology. The 2024 inductees are longstanding ACM members and were selected by their peers for their work in making possible the computing technologies we use every day. The 2024 Fellows represent universities, research centers and companies from 13 different countries; their work encompasses a variety of disciplines including computer graphics, cybersecurity, human-computer interaction, data management, machine learning, artificial intelligence, algorithms, visualization and more.

The ACM will formally recognize the 2024 Fellows at its annual Awards Banquet on June 14, 2025, in San Francisco, California. Additional information about the 2024 ACM Fellows, as well as previously named ACM Fellows, is available through the ACM Fellows website.


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