CSC News
Singh Named 2020 Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor
to Dr. Munindar Singh, Alumni
Distinguished Graduate Professor of Computer Science at NC State, on receiving
the NC State Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award in the area of Mathematical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Engineering.
Singh received this award in recognition of his excellence in mentorship based on nominations from graduate students and his truly exemplary track record of outstanding mentorship. A committee of graduate faculty with demonstrated success in mentoring selected him for this honor. Only one award is made every two years in this category, university-wide.
The award is designed to honor those outstanding mentors who are clearly devoted to helping their graduate students flourish and assisting them to create a pathway to successful careers. In addition to providing discipline-specific guidance related to research, teaching coursework and other curricular requirements and enduring the transparency of the graduate educational process, outstanding mentors provide their mentees with other types of significant support.
Singh was recently named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). He is also a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), and of the IEEE. He has won NC State's Outstanding Research Achievement Award and is a member of the NC State's Research Leadership Academy. He has graduated 27 PhD students.
In recognition of his Outstanding Graduate Faculty Mentor Award, Singh will receive a plaque and a $1,000 monetary award. He will also be part of the newly established Academy of Outstanding Faculty Members, whose members may be called upon periodically to share their expertise with the University community.
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