CSC News
Using AI in K-12 Classrooms
Dr. James Lester, Director of the Center for Educational Informatics and
Distinguished University Professor at NC State, has been awarded $99,976
by the National Science Foundation to support his research proposal
entitled “Collaborative
Research: Building Capacity for K-12 Artificial Intelligence Education
The award will run from August 15, 2019 to January 31, 2021.
Abstract – This goal of this project is to build capacity for education research for K-12 artificial intelligence education. In particular, it will bring together experts in AI and learning sciences to develop a shared understanding and create a research agenda to bring evidence-based AI education to K-12 classrooms. We will organize and facilitate a series of two workshops focused on answering what and how to teach AI for K-12, with findings from the first workshop informing the second. We will also conduct broad analyses of how K-12 AI education research should respond to AI’s far-reaching societal impact.
For more information on Dr. James Lester, click here .
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