CSC News
Fidelity Investments Speakers Series Welcomes Thomas Triumph on April 5th
Please join us on April 5th at 6 p.m. in room 1231 in
Engineering Building 2 for the final Spring talk of the Fidelity Investments “Leadership in
Technology” Speakers Series. Note that this talk was originally scheduled for March 22nd.
Our special guest speaker
will be Thomas Triumph, executive
advisor, business and technology partner.
His talk topic will be “The Call to Innovate.”
Triumph helps companies multiply their growth 10x by collaboratively helping them reinvent their business, product development and marketing. He was a key participant in two global technology revolutions, helped pioneer less invasive surgery, oversaw the building of the largest composite hovercraft built in the US, and has overseen dozens of innovative products within different industries. Triumph was the CEO of Orbital Environments, a company testing human related space equipment. He resides in Chapel Hill and is also an ultra runner who envies Tom Hanks' long run as Forest Gump.
Abstract: We see and experience evidence that the world is rapidly changing. These shifts are impacting our working, social and personal lives. This engaging and fun talk is geared towards students (we all SHOULD be students of life & learning!), and explains how to not just survive - but thrive and contribute!
The talk begins with a succinct review of the forces driving these changes. We then learn the ways in which these drivers can be controlled and leveraged - thereby allowing each of us to not only keep pace with the changes, but to actually instead position ourselves for success in the evolving landscape.
Compelling real-world case studies are used to show what’s possible when someone understands the drivers impacting their world, and then begins to execute a plan to reinvent their work and self. A brief amount of time is spent on the downside when these drivers are ignored.
The event is free and open to the public. Ample free parking is available on Centennial Campus after 5 pm. For directions and more information, click here.
These lectures have been approved by the CSC Graduate Oversight Committee to count toward the required lectures for graduate students.
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