CSC News
August 08, 2016
CSC Department Welcomes New Faculty
The NC State University Department of Computer Science is pleased to announce the addition of five new faculty members to our department starting in the Fall 2016 semester:
Dr. Arnav Jhala wil join the department as an associate professor in computer science in the Visual Narrative cluster. Jhala’s specialty is artificial intelligence (AI), and his current research interests are in the areas of storytelling in games, intelligent machinima generation, smart graphics, and intelligent user interfaces. He received his B,Eng. in Computer Engineering from Gujarat University in 2001, and his MS and PhD in Computer Science from NC State in 2004 and 2009, respectively. For more information on Jhala, click here.
Dr. Collin Lynch will join the department as an assistant professor in computer science. Lynch’s research interests are in the area of graph-based educational data mining, development of robust intelligent tutoring systems, and adaptive educational systems for ill-defined domains such as scientific writing, law and engineering. He received his BA in Artificial Intelligence from Hampshire College in 2000, and his MS and PhD in Intelligent Systems from the University of Pittsburgh in 2011, and 2014, respectively. For more information on Lynch, click here.
Dr. Chris Martens will join the department as an assistant professor in computer science. Martens’ specialty is formal methods for creative media, and her current research interests are in the areas of game design, believable virtual agents, collaborative digital storytelling, simulation modeling, and mixed-initiative creativity applications. She received her BS and PhD in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 2008, and 2015, respectively. For more information on Martens, click here.
Dr. Alessandra Scafuro will join the department as an assistant professor in computer science. Scafuro’s specialty is cryptography, and her current interests are in the area of secure computation. She received her MS and PhD in Computer Science
from the University of Salerno in 2009 and 2013, respectively. For more information on Scafuro, click here.
Dr. Hung-Wei Tseng will join the department as an assistant professor in computer science. Tseng’s specialty is systems, and his current interests are in the area of heterogeneous computing. He received his BS and MS in Computer Science from National Taiwan University in 2003 and 2005, respectively, and his PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, San Diego in 2014. For more information on Tseng, click here.
Please join us in welcoming these faculty members to our department.
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