CSC News
Samatova, Students Win Best Paper Award at HPC 2016

The winning paper is “AMR-aware In Situ Indexing and Scalable Querying” in Proceedings of the 2016 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SPRINGSIM), pp. 279-287, 2016. Co-authors include NC State students David Boyuka, Dhara Desai, Kushal Bansal, Wenzhao Zhang and Houjun Tang; Daniel Martin, Suren Byna, Keshong Wu, Bin Dong, Dharshi Devendran, David Trebotich, and Hans Johansen of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; and Scott Klasky of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The abstract follows:
Query-driven analytics on scientific datasets is one of fundamental approaches for scientific discoveries. Existing studies have explored query-driven analytics on uniform resolution meshes. However, querying on adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) data has not been explored yet. As many simulations have been lately transitioning to AMR, new methods for effi- cient query-driven analysis on AMR data are needed.
In this paper, we present the first work to support scalable AMR-aware analysis. We propose an AMR-aware hybrid index for supporting two common forms (i.e., spatial and value-based query selections) in query-driven analytics. To sustainably support future-scale analysis, we design an in situ (run-time) index building strategy with minimized performance impact to the co-located simulation. Additionally, we develop a parallel post-processing query method with an adaptive workload-balanced strategy. Our evaluation demonstrates the scalability of our in situ indexing and scalable querying methods up to 16,384 and 1,024 cores, respectively, using a Chombo-based benchmark. Compared to non-AMRaware indexing and querying, we demonstrate up to 12.4x and 500x performance improvement, respectively.
To read the award-winning paper, click here.
HPC 2016, part of the SCS Spring Simulation Multi-Conference (SpringSim’16), is devoted to the impact of high performance computing and communications on computer simulations. Advances in multicore and many-core architectures, networking, high end computers, large data stores, and middleware capabilities are ushering in a new era of high performance parallel and distributed simulations. Along with these new capabilities come new challenges in computing and system modeling. The goal of HPC 2016 is to encourage innovation in high performance computing and communication technologies and to promote synergistic advances in modeling methodologies and simulation. It promotes the exchange of ideas and information between universities, industry, supercomputing centers, and national laboratories about new developments in system modeling, high performance computing and communication, scientific computing as well as simulation.
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