CSC Confers Degrees on 180 During Spring
Raleigh's beautiful Meymandi Concert Hall, the official
home of the NC Symphony, served as the venue for the Spring
2004 Diploma Ceremony for the department of computer science.
180 graduates were honored during the ceremony including 121
undergraduate, 57 masters, and two doctoral degrees. Alumnus
Gerhard Pilcher (B.S., CSC 85, pictured above),
served as guest speaker for the event. Special thanks to Super
ePartner, SAS Institute, for sponsoring this memorable
event. To read more and to see our photo gallery, visit
Departmental Research Grants, Gifts, and
Foundry Networks has renewed its commitment as a Super
ePartner with the department, providing a $25,000 unrestricted
Progress Energy has renewed its Super ePartners commitment as part of a larger funding initiative for the entire College of Engineering totaling more than $261,000.
Welcome new Corporate Friend, n software, which recently committed $1,000 to the department to be awarded as the "n software Scholarship Award of Merit".
Frank Mueller's proposal titled "Dynamic Performance
Analysis and Tuning" has been funded for $76,885 by Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory. The project, which runs
from May 12 through the end of this year, addresses problems
in the OpenMP synchronization and shortcomings in exploiting
the memory bandwidth of shared-memory multiprocessors (SMPs)
for scientific applications.
Faculty/Staff News
Congratulations to Dr. George Rouskas, who recently
received the Alcoa Foundation Engineering Research Achievement
Award, an award given annually to a COE faculty member
(under age 40) who has demonstrated outstanding research accomplishments
over the past three years. As you may recall, he was also
recently named to the Academy of Outstanding Teachers
at NC State (one of two from the College of Engineering)!.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has named Dr. Annie I. Antón to the editorial board of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. The publication covers theoretical results and empirical studies with potential impact on the construction, analysis or management of software.
Congratulations to Dr. Rob St. Amant for having his paper with F. E. Ritter titled "Automated GOMS-to-ACT-R model translation" receive the Best Applied Paper Prize, including an honorarium, for the Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling (ICCM).
Jennifer Craddock, contract manager and research facilitator for the department, was named one of the Pride of the Wolfpack award winners for the College of Engineering in May.
JIT Signaling Protocol Draws Praise
A new Just-in-Time (JIT) signaling protocol, which will yield
ultra-fast network connections, was developed jointly by the
MCNC Research & Development Institute (MCNC-RDI)
and several members of NC States computer science and
other engineering faculty. At a recent demonstration, their
work drew the praise of the FCCs technology chief for
its potential to enhance todays network infrastructure.
On the JIT team with Dr. George Rouskas and Dr.
Harry Perros, professors of computer science, and Paul
Franzon, professor of computer and electrical engineering,
is Ilia Baldine (Ph.D., 98), who was Rouskas'
doctoral student. The protocol they are developing together
works to speed up the controls and connections
required by the Internets millions and billions
of users, Rouskas says. To read more, visit
Local ACM Chapter Wins Outstanding Chapter
Community Service Award
Props to our local student ACM Chapter for receiving the 2004
Outstanding Chapter Community Service Award. Our student
ACM chapter, one of more than 750 chapters nationally, was
selected for this recognition as a result of the work they
did securing, retrofitting, and installing thirty computers
at Henderson Middle School in Vance County, North Carolina.
To read more, see
Cisco Awards Information Assurance Scholarship
Congratulations to Matthew Vail for being selected
as a Cisco Systems Information Assurance Scholarship
award recipient. The award is valued at $2,500. Matt is the
second NCSU computer science student to be selected for the
award (Neha Jain received the scholarship in the Fall
of 2003).
Student Wins Google's 2004 Anita Borg
Speaking of Neha Jain, congratulations are once again
in order for her, as she was recently awarded one of two Google
2004 Anita Borg Scholarships, valued at $10,000! Jain
was selected from a pool of 19 undergraduate finalists who
were all flown to Google's headquarters in San Jose, California
for the Google 2004 Anita Borg Scholarship awards banquet.
Selection was based on the strength of academic background,
responses to short essay questions, letters of recommendation,
performance during telephone interviews and financial need.
To read more, go to
Computer Science Professors Participate
in Laptop Pilot Project
Drs. James Lester, David McAllister, Ting Yu, George Rouskas,
and Munindar Singh are participating in the College
of Engineerings Faculty Laptop Pilot Project, which
complements the colleges student owned computing initiative.
In all, 40 College of Engineering faculty members received
a $2,500 stipend to purchase a laptop computer and software
for use in developing meaningful ways to incorporate laptops
into classroom instruction. To read more, go to
New CSC / ECE Facility Construction 'On
of the new Computer Science / Computer and Electrical Engineering
building is under way on NC State University's Centennial
Campus. "Structural steel will be going up shortly,
David Lombardi, building construction and management specialist
for the College of Engineering, said in early May. Lombardi
adds that the construction is on schedule and completion is
anticipated by summer 2005. To read more, go to
Corporate Sponsorships Available
Budgetary constraints continue to challenge us, forcing us
to constantly look for new and innovative ways to provide
the highest quality educational experience possible to our
students. The need for outside funding has never been greater
and we hope that you will consider one of the numerous "named"
sponsorship opportunities currently available through the
department of computer science for the remainder of the academic
ACM/AITP Meetings - A complementary named sponsorship
event is available to any ePartner for the ACM/AITP Meeting
on Sept 1st and Oct 13th at 7 pm. You simply need to provide
a guest speaker and a technical topic of 30-40 minutes in
length. This event is also available to non-ePartners for
a sponsorship of only $250.
Fall Diploma Ceremony - Over 1500 graduates, family,
friends and faculty are expected to attend this beautiful
ceremony on Dec 15th in the Meymandi Concert Hall in downtown
Raleigh. Your tax-deductible contribution of $2,500 will provide
you co-named sponsorship recognition at the event and help
us cover the rising cost of facility rental, refreshments,
entertainment, and publications.
Women in Computer Science - Your contribution of $1,000
or more will provide named sponsorship support for this strategic
initiative designed to increase the attraction and retention
rate of women in the computer science field.
New CSC "Systems" Colloquium - Named sponsorship
is available for helping fund the launch of a new "systems"
focused colloquium spearheaded by Dr Frank Mueller. A $5,000
contribution (in whole or smaller amounts for multiple sponsors)
would help provide funding for speaker fees and travel for
this new colloquium.
In most cases, your sponsorship contributions are fully tax-deductible
and may qualify you for higher levels of recognition. For
more information, please contact Ken Tate at 919-513-4292
'Naming Rights' Available for New Facility
official groundbreaking ceremony for our new 100,000 sq. ft,
$41M state-of-the-art teaching and research facility on Centennial
Campus was held on October 24th, 2003. At that same time,
we launched the official Naming Rights Campaign with opportunities
ranging from $25,000 to over $1M. Premiere naming spaces include
an expansive atrium and a series of terraces designed to host
events of all sizes, as well as labs, classrooms, conference
rooms, and faculty offices. More information is available
and more details will officially be released on this campaign
in the coming months. If you have questions or would like
more information, please contact Ken Tate at 919-513-4292
to Main ePartners News Page.