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CSC eNewsletterWelcome to the online edition of CSC eNews, a monthly electronic newsletter for alumni and friends of the Department of Computer Science at NC State University. If you are a CSC alum and wish to be added to the email distribution
list, click
here. Corporate or individual friends of the department may be added
to our distribution list by sending an email request to Ken
Tate, Director of Development & External Relations for the NCSU
Department of Computer Science. December 22, 2005 Graduate Milestone Achieved in Fall Diploma Ceremony
Departmental Research Grants, Gifts, and Support Thanks to Fujitsu Transaction Solutions for their recent donation of $5,000 in support of our Senior Design Center. Thanks to the recent generous contributions (and matching corporate gifts) from Ling Tai, Yao Chen, and William & Sally Fuller, the Dr. KC Tai Memorial Endowment has grown in value to almost $35,000. Congratulations to Dr. Khaled Harfoush for having his proposal titled "Roaming WLAN Networks: Security and Performance Implications" funded for $40,000 by the NCSU Center for Advanced Computing & Communication. The award will run from January 1st, 2006 through December 31st, 2006. SDC Project Teams Demo Their Designs at Posters & Pies
Phase I Deadline for "Pathway to the Future" Campaign is December 31st
These commemorative bricks require a donation of $150, and can be ordered through this printable online order form. Herndon & Smith Named Inaugural NC-SIM Scholarship Winners
Bahram Awarded First Dr. KC Tai Memorial Endowment Gift Congratulations to CSC junior, Sina Bahram, for being selected as the very first scholarship winner to come from the Dr. KC Tai Memorial Endowment. The endowment was created in 2003 by family, friends and colleagues of Dr. Tai to honor his significant contributions to the department and the University in the field of software engineering. Dr. Tai, who passed away in October 2002, was known as being a kind, compassionate, and caring person, who enjoyed helping others. The endowment was established to provide an ongoing source of programmatic and/or scholarship funding to help future generations of NCSU software engineering students and faculty, with highest priority going to individuals with medical hardships or disabilities. Bahram, who is blind, will receive $1,000 from the award. If you would like to contribute to the Dr. KC Tai Memorial Endowment
Fund, please make your check payable to the "NC State Engineering
Foundation Inc." and send it to Ken Tate, NCSU Department of
Computer Science, Campus Box 8206, Raleigh, NC 27695. Candidates Sought for Alumni "Wall of Fame" in EBII As we move into EBII, our new home on Centennial Campus, we have set aside some prime space to honor the accomplishments of our alumni. Our distinguished alumni include innovators with patents and software applications which have changed our lives, founders of large Fortune 500 companies, individuals who have made significant contributions to National Security and space exploration, winners of prestigious awards, recognized leaders in business and academia, and so much more - some we know of, but many we do not. If you are an alum of the department, or know of an alum with extraordinary accomplishments you feel are worthy of recognition on our "Wall of Fame", please contact Ken Tate at 919-513-4292 or kmtate2@ncsu.edu. Old CSC Photos Sought
If you have a photo to contribute, please scan it at a min of 300dpi and send a digital copy to kmtate2@ncsu.edu. If you send us a hard copy, please let us know if you need it back. Either way, please send us your contact information in case we need to obtain a release to use your photo in our publications or displays. ePartners Career Connection Event Planned for February 1st
CSC Faculty / Staff News Dr. Harry Perros, Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor of computer science, has been named a guest editor for the February 8, 2006 issue of Computer Networks Journal, providing his expertise to a section dedicated to papers on Optical Networks. We all scream for ice cream
Notice Regarding Year-end Gifts With the end of the tax year approaching, we normally see a frantic rush of year-end donations during the holiday season. Please know that if you plan to make any type of outright gift to the department before the end of 2005, for tax-purposes, all documentation must be postmarked no later than December 31st. Checks should be made payable to the "NC State Engineering Foundation" and mailed to Ken Tate at NCSU Dept of Computer Science, Campus Box 8206, Raleigh NC, 27695. If your gift is for a special purpose (a specific endowment, a multi-year pledgepayment, etc.), please designate the purpose on the "memo" line.
If you have special questions or needs relative to an outright or deferred / planned gift, call Ken at 919-513-4292. If he is not in, please leave a detailed message and he will return your call promptly. |
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In the News
NC State Receives Funding to Develop New Drug-Discovery Methods, Dr. Robert Funderlic involved, dBusinessNews Triangle, by staff report, November 15, 2005 Upcoming Events Jan. 23, 2006 - Colloquia, Dr. John A. Stankovic of UVA speaks on "Wireless Sensor Networks in Action" Jan. 30, 2006 - Colloquia, Dr. Steven Bellovin of Columbia Univ. speaks on "Permissive Action Links, Nuclear Weapons, and the History of Public Key" Feb. 1, 2006 - ePartners Career Connection Event Feb. 2, 2006 - Engineering Career Fair Feb. 3, 2006 - Colloquia, Dr. Vikram Adve of Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign speaks on "Automatic Pool Allocation: Compile-Time Control over Complete Pointer-Based Data Structures" Feb. 13, 2006 - Colloquia, Dr. Alan Burns of Univ. of of York, U.K. speaks on "Modeling Temporal Behaviour in Complex Socio-Technical Systems" April 28, 2006 - EBII Dedication Ceremony May 13 - Commencement & Diploma Ceremony Alumni News HowStuffWorks founders and CSC alumnus Marshall Brain (MS '89), was in the news recently as HowStuffWorks announced it has has attracted a "significant investment of growth capital" from entities owned by billionaire financier Carl Icahn. See story in the December 19th issue of the Triangle Business Journal. This eNewsletter is sponsored for the 2005-06 academic year by Network Appliance, a computer science Super ePartners Program company. |

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