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CSC eNewsletterWelcome to the online edition of CSC eNews, a monthly electronic newsletter for alumni and friends of the Department of Computer Science at NC State University. If you are a CSC alum and wish to be added to the email distribution list, click here. Corporate or individual friends of the department may be added to our distribution list by sending an email request to Ken Tate, Director of Development & External Relations for the NCSU Department of Computer Science. August 31, 2005 Dean Masnari to Step Down as CoE Dean in 2006
Departmental Research Grants, Gifts, and Support Super ePartner, Tekelec, has renewed its support to the department with an award of $30,000 in support of multiple senior design center projects and named sponsorship opportunities. Tekelec also has invested significantly in the NCSU Cooperative Education Program, where they currently fund five positions and supporting 10 CoE students on a rotational basis in their Morrisville headquarters. Thanks to Progress Energy for their generous donation to the department totaling $20,000 in support of annual scholarships, senior design center project sponsorship, and our ePartners program. This was a part of a much larger package of support provided to the university valued at more than $350,000.
Mentor Graphics Corporation, the technology leader in Electronic Design Automation (EDA), has awarded a gift grant of $15,000 to Dr. Franc Brglez to further his research on the xBED project. more OPNET Technologies has, once again, provided the department with annual software licenses valued at $5.57M. This gift includes licenses for OPNET's Moduler, Wireless Moduler, UMTS, and MPLS. The software has been successfully integrated into several undergraduate, graduate, and distance education network project courses. Congratulations to Dr. Peng Ning for having his proposal titled "Efficient and Resilient Key Management for Wireless Sensor Networks" funded for $173,165 by the Army Research Office. The award will run from May 1st of this year through April 30, 2008. EBII Classrooms Open Amid Continuing Construction
Ryan Schimizzi (photo by Aria Behrouzv of the Technician),
a junior in electrical engineering, refers to a directional sign
as he makes his way through the ongoing construction between EB I
and EB II. CAC - ABET Accreditation Completed Dr. Richard F. Keltie, Associate Dean for Academic
Affairs for the College of Engineering, recently announced the Final
Statements have been received from ABET and all programs (16 engineering
plus computer science) received an NGR accreditation to September
30, 2011. No weaknesses were found. A special thanks is extended to Drs.
Robert Fornaro and Matt Stallmann for their leadership, and all faculty
and staff involved in this tremendous team effort. SDC Team's International Win Celebrated
Centennial Campus Pep Rally Scheduled for Sep. 7th Students, faculty, staff and corporate employees on Centennial Campus are invited to the Centennial Campus Pep Rally on September 7th at 3:45 in the Venture Center Courtyard (between Venture I and II on Main Campus Dr.). In case of rain, the event will move inside to the 5th floor of Venture IV. The entire marching band will be on hand, as will our cheerleaders, mascots, and members of the coaching staff. Enjoy music, vendors, door prizes, free refreshments and much more. NOTE - Student volunteers are need for the event. If interested in helping out, contact Sue Cross at sue_cross@ncsu.edu. Port City Java Coming to EBII
IBM "Extreme Blue" Information Session Planned Sept 13th Students, want to be part of one of the industry's most elite internship programs? IBM's Extreme Blue program combines great talent and cutting edge technology to drive innovation. The competition is stiff; last year in the U.S. alone, over 4,500 applicants vied for the 118 positions. IBM is now seeking talented computer science and engineering students for 2006 spring and summer opportunities. If you think you are up for the challenge, you should plan to attend IBM's Extreme Blue information session on September 13th, 7-8:30 pm in 216 Mann Hall. Refreshments will be served. For more information and to apply, visit http://www.ibm.com/extremeblue. Jeopardy! Host Cities for $1,000, Please
April 28, 2006 - Save the Date! All alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends of the department are encouraged to reserve April 28, 2006 at 3 pm in your calendar for the official dedication ceremony for EBII on Centennial Campus. This will be a very special day in the soon-to-be 40-year history of the department and we hope that you can be with us to celebrate. More details will be forthcoming in the coming months. Career Ambassadors Program Available to Students The University Career Center is recruiting a highly selective group of volunteers to serve as Career Ambassadors. CA's serve as peer educators and work as an extension of the Career Center staff to provide high quality service to NC State students. Responsibilities that might appeal to CSC students include: training students in the use of computers and the online ePack system, assisting with mock interview software, and providing outreach through technology based methods. For more information on qualification requirements, benefits, and the application process, visit the Career Center online. Duke Team Seeks NCSU Member A start-up led by Duke University students, wishes to add an additional member to their team. They are developing a revolutionary software and hardware solution for the hospitality industry. The team plans to compete in the annual Duke Start-Up Challenge, a multi-stage competition featuring a $50,000 prize to the top winning company. The team is currently seeking high-energy and entrepreneurial undergraduate and graduate students who have experience with C# and GUI development. Currently, the team consists of an engineering student, two law students, an MBA candidate, and a recent graduate who is now at Microsoft. All team members will receive substantial equity in the start-up. Interested students should send inquiries to Ian Shakil at ian.shakil@duke.edu. CED's InfoTech 2005 Scheduled for October 12
CSC Faculty / Staff
News Associate Professor, Dr. Annie Antón, has been nominated by the NSF and selected to be one of about a dozen scientists that will be part of the U.S. delegation to the World Science Forum bi-annual meeting in Budapest, Hungary this November. Dr. Laurie Williams has assumed the role of co-director of the E-Commerce Initiative, effective June 2005, along with Dr. Michael Rappa of the College of Management. Williams was recruited to NC State in 2000 as Assistant Professor of Software Engineering. Author of several books and articles, her specialties are in agile software development processes and practices, empirical software engineering, secure application development, software reliability, software testing, and pair-programming. Laurie holds an MBA from Duke University and a Ph.D. from the University of Utah. Dr. Jon Doyle, SAS Institute Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, has accepted an invitation to be a keynote speaker at KR2006, the Tenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, to be held in June 2006 in the UK. This is one of the most prestigious conferences in Artificial Intelligence. |
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In the News
NC State Team Wins $20,000 First Prize at CSIDC, Computer Magazine; by Bob Ward, August, 2005 Jobs of the future blend computers with every discipline, New York Times; Naples Daily News, FL; Gadsden Times , AL ; By Steve Lohr, August 23 2005 Upcoming Events Sept. 7 - Centennial Campus Pep Rally Sept. 13 - IBM Extreme Blue Program Information Session Sept. 26-27 - Minority Career Fair Oct. 12 - CED's InfoTech 2005 at Sheraton Imperial Hotel & Convention Center Feb. 1, 2006 - ePartners Career Connection Event (tentative) Feb. 2, 2006 - Engineering Career Fair April 28, 2006 - EBII Dedication Ceremony Alumni News Kathy Markham (BS, '80) Vice President of Information Systems Planning & Field Services for Kindred Healthcare in Louisville, KY, is our featured CSC Alumni Achiever this quarter. more

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